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Are chests flammable?

The only exception are chests. A chest cannot burn, even when lava is poured onto it. This is actually pretty weird since the chest is made entirely of wood.
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What blocks are flammable in Minecraft?

Netherrack isn't the toughest block around - even a wooden pickaxe will break it in a fraction of a second, and an explosion will tear through it as if it were paper. But its handiest feature is its flammability. Light a block of netherrack on fire, and it'll burn forever.
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Can fire spread through blocks?

Fire spreads quickly across flammable blocks, and can spontaneously ignite when flammable blocks are near lava, even though many blocks that should be flammable cannot catch fire from nearby lava.
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Can you lock chest in Minecraft?

Locking a chest in Minecraft is a feature that was first added to the game as part of the April Fool's celebrations by the developers. The feature has since been implemented in the game and lets players use commands to lock a chest.
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Can mobs break chests?

Zombies can break anything. Chests included. Don't put chests anywhere a zombie can reach them; Or if you do, don't store anything important there. To be clear, they will not Prioritize chests over attempting to reach the player.
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Minecraft Creeper Explode Torch Chest Lag or something idk the original.

Are Ender chests private?

The ender chest's inventory is also separate for each player; consequently, items stored in an ender chest cannot be seen or taken by other players.
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Can mobs steal from chests?

No. The only thing that may steal your things is an Enderman.
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Do chests break in the end?

Description. Chests that were put by player (shulkers boxes and ender chests too) will break and despawn whenever player enters The End. Regular Chests and Ender Chests will be broken and all the items contained in them will be dropped out, however shulker box will despawn and so will all items that were in the box).
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Does trapped chest activate TNT?

Trapped chests can also activate buried TNT, destroying themselves, their contents and any mobs or players near them. They need to be opened twice for the TNT to be activated.
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What can fire not burn?

Wherever any substance is put in fire it burns and changes into ash. But asbestos is one such material that does not burn in fire. That is why the fireman wear clothes made from asbestos when they enter the burning house.
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How far can lava spread?

Fluid basalt flows can extend tens of kilometers from an erupting vent. The leading edges of basalt flows can travel as fast as 10 km/h (6 mph) on steep slopes but they typically advance less than 1 km/h (0.27 m/s or about 1 ft/s) on gentle slopes.
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How far can lava reach wood?

Lava can set flammable blocks aflame in a 3x3 square directly above the lava, and a 5x5 square above that, so take that into account when you're building a lava trash can in your wooden hut. But under the right circumstances, lava can also be a force for creation.
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Are chests flammable in Minecraft?

A chest cannot burn, even when lava is poured onto it. This is actually pretty weird since the chest is made entirely of wood.
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Do Netherite blocks explode?

Netherite blocks have a blast resistance of 6,000 (same as obsidian), meaning they cannot be blown up except by the Wither's spawning explosion or by a blue wither skull. It can be used to help carry Netherite ingots much like how blocks of diamonds can be used to store diamonds.
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Is soul sand useful?

Soul sand is useful in all kinds of surprising ways. You can turn it into a handy trap to slow incoming enemies - and some, like silverfish and endermites, sink far enough into it to drown. It's also the only block on which Nether wart grows - a vital ingredient in many potions.
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Can chests Despawn?

@hailthejelybean Yes they do, they despawn a lot quicker in the water than they do on land though. On land, it can be up to an hour and in water 20 minutes or so as they sink to the bottom and wait for there for a short while before totally despawning.
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Can chests Respawn?

The chests in Genshin Impact don't respawn.
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What happens if you have 2 ender chests?

The Ender Chest is a block that allows a player to store 27 stacked items, much like a wooden chest. However, if two ender chests are placed in different places, the items will be accessible from both chests.
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Can Endermen open chests?

Endermen should be able to open Chests but to ONLY be able to Steal Cookies. Endermen should be able to Steal and Eat Cake Pieces when a Cake is placed as a block.
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What hurts mobs?

Lava is a threat to players and almost every mob in Minecraft. Players can use lava to kill mobs easily. When in contact with lava, most mobs take two heart damage every half a second. Many mob farms rely on lava to kill mobs, such as iron farms, creeper farms and so on.
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Can creepers explode chests?

When Personal Chests are placed in the world, Creeper explosions will cause them to be deleted, and none of their contents will drop.
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What happens if you lose an ender chest?

What happens if you break an Ender chest with stuff in it? The items stored in an Ender chest are safe even if the chest gets destroyed. You only need to create another Ender chest to get them back.
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Is The ender chest better than a Shulker?

ender chests have a limited capacity for each player and every player who opens an ender chest will have different items inside which they put in there can be accessed by only them from any ender chest while shulker boxes are like normal chests except they have an advantage that they do not drop the items inside them ...
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Are shulker boxes like ender chests?

#3 - Carrying and transporting items

A shulker box has 27 item slots. Unlike chests, shulker boxes do not drop the items inside when mined. Players can use shulker boxes to carry a large number of things quickly. Players can carry a total of 1728 items in a single shulker box.
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