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Can I love a fictional character?

Fictosexuality, fictoromance, and fictophilia are terms that have recently become popular in online environments as indicators of strong and lasting feelings of love, infatuation, or desire for one or more fictional characters.
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Can you get attached to a fictional character?

You're not alone. We've all gotten emotionally attached to fictional characters or lost ourselves in the world of a TV show or movie, especially when we binge watch. According to a survey by Deloitte, 90 percent of American millennials watch three or more TV episodes in one sitting.
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What is a fictophilia disorder?

A disorder called fictophilia (Fictophilia Mental Health) causes someone to feel romantic feelings, strong cravings, and even sexual attraction for a fictional figure. It is distinct from simple appreciation and more like real-world infatuation.
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Why do I feel so attracted to a fictional character?

The study found that, as with any crush, we are first drawn to fictional characters because of an attraction to their personality, skills and abilities. Then, through a series of parasocial interactions, we begin to develop a parasocial relationship with them.
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How do you know if you love a fictional character?

Check off all things you've caught yourself doing
  • Read Wattpad fanfics about them.
  • Wanted to "shift" for them.
  • You have high standards because of their existence.
  • You daydream about them constantly.
  • You have a secret TikTok account dedicated just for stanning them.
  • Binged and re-watched the movies/shows they're in.
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Why Do We Get Attached To Fictional Characters?

Is falling in love with a fictional character normal?

If you watch a television series or read a book regularly, you will grow a fondness for the characters and that's only natural … It is NOT weird to feel attracted (even sexually) to a fictional character if this character isn't too young or an animal (or something similar).
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Is fictophilia a mental illness?

At the time of writing, fictophilia is not recognized or proposed as a specific diagnostic condition by the World Health Organization (ICD-11) or the American Psychiatric Association (DSM-5) (but see 'paraphilia' in both manuals).
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Am I weird for having a crush on a fictional character?

Falling in love with a fictional character is not unusual, and many people have found themselves emotionally attached to a character in a book, movie, TV show, or video game. You do want to be careful that these romantic feelings don't prevent you from living your life or having real romantic relationships.
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What is kinning a character?

“Kinning” is when you closely relate to a character (in ways such as a characters backstory, personality, looks, or all of the above). A person who kins may identify with the character. “Kinning” a character is not the same as “being kin to” a character.
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Is it normal to talk to fictional characters in your head?

According to one study, while extreme instances of obsession with celebrities may be a result of underlying mental health issues, in general, it's not unhealthy to form attachments with fictional characters.
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Why am I obsessed with pretending to be fictional characters?

Some might get so caught up in the fantasy world that they are living in that they forget about reality. It is not uncommon for people to want to escape from their reality by pretending to be someone else. Some psychologists believe that this type of behavior is rooted in a person's desire for control.
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Can the brain tell the difference between real and fictional characters?

Based on this finding, scientists have hypothesized that our brains may distinguish between reality and fantasy because real things tend to have a higher degree of personal relevance than fictional things do.
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What is a fictionkin?

fictionkin (plural fictionkin) An otherkin who believes themselves to be a reincarnation or parallel incarnation of a fictional character. quotations ▼
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What is it called when you feel like you are a fictional character?

Key points. Main character syndrome is when somebody presents, or imagines, themself as the lead in a sort of fictional version of their life.
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What does no doubles mean?

No Doubles is a the setup sometimes used when the score is tied, or when leading by 1 or 2 runs in the 8th or 9th inning. The idea behind this positioning is if we are going to give up a hit they are only going to get a single and not be able to stretch it into a double.
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Is fictionkin healthy?

being fictionkin in itself will not harm anyone and it is often doubled up as a coping mechanism for mental illnesses, so it tends to be rather helpful instead. many mental health specialists have told fictionkin people firsthand that their beliefs are safe and fine as long as it is not hurting them or other people.
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What is a double kin?

Doubles: Two people (or more) who kin the same character. No Doubles: When somebody says this about a character (or characters) that they kin, they wish to not interact/etc with a person who also kins that character (or characters).
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How do I stop obsessing over a fictional character?

Five easy steps to help you move on from your fictional love
  1. UNDERSTANDING THE SCIENCE BEHIND IT. In a world full of fictional people there is some great science behind our emotions that take us back to reality. ...
  2. FANFICTION. ...
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Can you legally marry a fictional character?

If you wish to marry a fictional character, no one has any right to tell you otherwise.
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Why does my brain think fictional characters are real?

The last explanation for our thinking that fictional characters are real, is our human ability to empathize. The ability to identify emotionally, or to feel the emotions of, fictional characters, is because of our human ability to empathize.
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Is fictophilia a Paraphilia?

Fictophilia is a type of paraphilia. Paraphilia involves individuals having atypical sexual arousal towards atypical things or objects.
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Is it unhealthy to have a fictional crush?

It's perfectly fine to be in love with a fictional character, and it's a common phenomenon, specially for readers. Fictional characters are perfect, and the fact that we can look straight through them is fantastic, this includes their thought process and personality.
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Is it okay to fantasize about fictional characters while in a relationship?

Fantasies are a healthy way for us to make hypotheticals about what sort of person we'd like to have as a mate, much like dating is how we learn what kind of person we're compatible with. The only time you should be worried about fantasies are if you start having trouble differentiating between them and reality.
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What is the psychology of character bonding?

Character bonding is when we start to emulate the personality traits of fictional characters that we admire and/or feel drawn to. There's nothing inherently harmful about character bonding; just remember that there is a distinction between them and you.
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