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Can Python beat Java?

Python can never overtake Java because Java is generally more efficient than Python. Python is an interpreted language with dynamic typing, while Java is a statically typed and compiled language.
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Is Python as powerful as Java?

Java is generally faster and more efficient than Python because it is a compiled language. As an interpreted language, Python has simpler, more concise syntax than Java.
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Who will win Java or Python?

Java vs Python - Speed

In terms of speed, Java is faster than Python as it is a compiled language. It takes less time to execute a code. Python is an interpreted language and it determines the type of data at run time which makes it slower comparatively.
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Which is best Python or Java?

Python is the best choice if you want to break into data science and machine learning. But if you want to be an Android developer, Java is a better choice.
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Is Java losing to Python?

Later on, in 2021, Python became unstoppable and surpassed Java as well.” Now C++ has overtaken Java.
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Most popular Programming languages By % Market Share. Can Python beat Java?

Will Python replace Java in future?

There are several common aspects among Java and Python but they aren't 100% identical. This presents a great uncertainty about whether Python will replace Java or not. It is not possible for a Java developer to switch all the code over to Python, hence Java stays.
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Why is Java a dying language?

Java is not a dying programming language by any means. But it is undeniably a programming language that is having a hard time establishing itself in the dynamic developer community. It is true that Java's fundamental building blocks and restrictions are archaic and depend on how the code was written 20 years ago.
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Is Java getting outdated?

Is Java used anymore? Of course! It provides easy coding and high security, enabling the creation of many apps for health, education, and insurance. It is compatible with such tools as Servlets, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, Apache HTTP web-server, Apache Tomcat, Thymeleaf, and many others.
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Do more jobs use Java or Python?

In Stackoverflow's 2022 developer survey, Python was the third most popular language behind JavaScript and HTML/CSS. 48.24% of developers surveyed were working with Python, 35.35% used Java. It is safe to say that both languages are about the same in terms of popularity.
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Do companies prefer Java or Python?

Python has been constantly improving, while Java is used in significant organizations like Uber, Google, Airbnb, and other 10,188 companies prefer Java over Python. Python, on the other hand, is widely used in companies like IBM, Intel, Infosys, Spotify, etc.
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Why Python will replace Java?

Why Has Python Replaced Java? The simplest answer is also the most likely: Python has dominated as data has exploded in the enterprise. Making sense of “Big Data” is a key use case for Python with its best-in-class data analysis and Machine Learning (ML) tools that other languages struggle to compete with.
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Is Python older than Java?

Python is a bit older than Java as it was released in 1991. Like Java, Python is an object-oriented and high-level programming language.
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How many days to learn Python?

A beginner will take about 6-8 weeks to learn the fundamentals of Python. It takes that much time to learn how to understand most lines of code in Python. It would take significantly more time learning Python to move into a new career as a Python Developer.
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What can Java do that Python Cannot?

Packaging - In Java, you can create something like a Jar. Which can run on any machine where JVM is installed. and that JAR contains all the dependencies. In python you can't just ship something like a JAR, you will have to write a script to install dependencies in every machine you want to run your code on.
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Why Python is best over Java?

Python: The simple path. Although Java is faster, Python is more versatile, easier to read, and has a simpler syntax. According to Stack Overflow, this general use, interpreted language is the fourth most popular coding language [1].
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Why is Java harder than Python?

While the Java code is still relatively simple, it is longer and more verbose than the equivalent Python code. You can also see how Java uses explicit typing and a strict object-oriented programming style, while Python uses implicit typing and has a simpler syntax. Python is generally simpler to learn.
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Which salary is high Java or Python?

In India, the average salary for a Java developer is ₹4,55,000 per annum(Source: Glassdoor) and for a Python developer, it is ₹4,46,000 per annum(Source: Glassdoor). So if you become flawless in Java or Python, you can easily start your career as a developer.
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Is Python worth it in 2023?

He said Python and JavaScript are the best programming languages for beginners for 2023. "Taking the time to learn Python or JavaScript is a good way to get yourself into the technology industry and land your first development or engineering opportunity," he said.
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Should I learn Python or Java first?

Python or Java which one to learn first? If you'd have asked me a couple of years ago to write an answer to this question, I would have said, without any hesitation, that you should learn Python as a first language.
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What is replacing Java?

You want a more accessible, general-purpose language: Consider learning C++ or Python. You want Java to be easier to use: Consider learning Kotlin, a language that is interoperable with Java. You want to build feature-complete websites and web apps: Consider learning JavaScript, Typescript, Swift, Elixir, or Go.
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Is Java losing its popularity?

As someone who is very familiar with both the startup "vibe" and the enterprise "vibe", I can tell you that Java is losing popularity overall. This is largely because of the advent of MEAN stack and developers being able to use one language (JavaScript) to do absolutely everything.
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Will Java survive in future?

Can Java survive in the future? Yes, Java can survive in the future. It is one of the world's most widely used programming languages and has a large community of developers who are constantly working on new features and improvements. What is the future of Android development with Java?
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Why do developers hate Java?

The Java programming language and Java software platform have been criticized for design choices including the implementation of generics, forced object-oriented programming, the handling of unsigned numbers, the implementation of floating-point arithmetic, and a history of security vulnerabilities in the primary Java ...
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Should I still learn Java in 2023?

Are you wondering if you should learn Java in 2023? The answer is simple: yes. As the world moves more towards mobile apps and convenience, Java is becoming more and more instrumental as a language. It's one of the strongest languages we see, ranked third most popular with recruiters in the last two years.
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Why is Java so difficult?

Learning Java is only hard when you have no technical background or you don't take the proper steps to learn the language. Java syntax is a statically typed machine language that has broad features and frameworks and can be integrated into several platforms. This can make it difficult to grasp as a beginner.
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