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Can two Slytherins be together?

Because of their fraternal nature and preference for all things elite, a Slytherin would gravitate toward dating another Slytherin. So long as they don't enter into a power struggle with each other, their competitive and ambitious nature would encourage both Slytherins to reach their full potential.
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Are two Slytherins compatible?

A Slytherin/Slytherin relationship could be terrible, or it could be the greatest thing ever. They thrive on hating or opposing things together, and will always seek to present a unified front. They drive one another to be the very best they can be because they consider themselves two halves of a single entity.
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Do Slytherins get along with other houses?

As the most cunning and self-serving Hogwarts house, Slytherins could naturally form strong attachments with their own. Ambition is attractive to Slytherins, and they could recognise this in each other, with a bit of healthy competition keeping the romantic flame burning.
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Who are Slytherins most compatible with?

The complementary element is Earth, which Hufflepuff House represents. A Slytherin and Hufflepuff would complement one another's strengths. Where a Slytherin brings ambition, a Hufflepuff brings a strong work ethic.
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Can you be a mix of 2 Hogwarts houses?

Did you know that hybrid Hogwarts houses actually exist? You could be like Harry himself, who possesses what it takes to be a Gryffindor and a Slytherin. Well thank god for this Harry Potter hybrid house quiz. Let's find out which two houses you actually belong to...
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Reasons It's Great To Be A Slytherin

Are Slytherins loyal to their friends?

Slytherin friends are extremely loyal and protective of you, to the point of attacking others who have offended you. They have an endless supply of witty and sarcastic comebacks/remarks to throw, and are not afraid to tell it like it is, even if it might hurt feelings.
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Why do Slytherins love Hufflepuffs?

Hufflepuffs are the only ones patient enough to really get to know someone without any judgment. Since Slytherins are often on edge, they truly appreciate the safe space that Hufflepuffs create. They ground Slytherins and keep their heads in the right place.
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What do Slytherins value most?

Self-Preservation and Loyalty – Slytherins place less emphasis on humanitarian and selfless values, instead valuing their own well being. However, Slytherins are not inherently selfish. Slytherins have a strong sense of community, and tend to define who is on the inside and outside of their circles.
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What is the rarest Hogwarts house to be sorted into?

If we're talking in technical terms where the actual traits of the house are the determining factor, (e.g. Intelligence, cunning, loyalty, and bravery) Gryffindor is probably the most rare.
  • Hufflepuff, 50%
  • Slytherin, 40%
  • Ravenclaw, 8%
  • Gryffindor, 2%
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Who is the kindest Slytherin?

Belonging to the Black family, Phineas is one of Slytherin's loveliest members. Taking a greater moral standpoint than his other family members, who mostly believe in pure-blood supremacy, this good-natured wizard has shown himself to be an especially well-behaved member of the otherwise unruly Hogwarts house.
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What personality type is most likely a Slytherin?

The ESTJ – Most Likely Choice: Slytherin

Courageous, resourceful, and ambitious – House Slytherin gives you a chance to show the world your unique leadership capabilities. As an ESTJ you prize determination, hard-work, and loyalty – all things that are revered in Slytherin.
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What does being a Slytherin say about you?

The traits that get you placed into Slytherin are ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness. An association with villainous characters and elitism has given Slytherin the reputation of being an evil house.
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Is Slytherin rare?

Muggle-born Slytherins existed, but were very rare, as noted insultingly by Scabior the Snatcher. There had also been definite examples of half-bloods sorted into the house, including Tom Riddle, Dolores Umbridge, and Severus Snape.
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Is Slytherin a Half Blood?

History. Salazar Slytherin was a pure-blood supremacist and believed half-bloods and, more specifically, Muggleborns to be unworthy of being taught magic. Slytherin's views at the time could have been attributed to the persecution of witches and wizards at the hand of Muggles during that century.
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Can a boy and girl share a dorm in Hogwarts?


Like a lot of boarding schools, if not all of them, dormitories are separated by gender. Girls had one dormitory off the common room, boys had another, and they were restricted to sleeping there.
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What zodiac signs are Slytherin?

Slytherin: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Slytherins are cunning, resourceful, and incredibly ambitious, which sounds particularly like traits that Scorpios exhibit.
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What is the positive side of Slytherin?

Slytherins are hardworking and desire success. They are known to achieve great things (even if not always good things). They are the kind of people who make you want to be better just by being around them. They are determined and resourceful.
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What Patronus do Slytherins have?

Foxes are cunning, resourceful and fiercely intelligent – remind you of anything? That's right – we wouldn't be surprised if some members of Slytherin house find themselves with a fox Patronus. Foxes are also highly adaptable and can live in many diverse habitats around the world.
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Do Slytherins break rules?

Traits and Values

The house also had the traits of cleverness, resourcefulness and determination. Slytherins were also said to have a tendency to break the rules. Slytherin was usually associated with dark wizards as many of the Slytherin traits were also useful for villanous purposes.
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Do Slytherins like being alone?

It seems that Slytherins feel much better when they're alone. Moreover, they usually don't trust others easily. For these reasons, Slytherins rarely have good friends. Some of them aren't even close to their family members.
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Do Slytherins have to be mean?

jkr made out the house slytherin to be mean, but that's only a stereotype. jkr focuses on the 'mean' characters, like draco, pansy etc, but there are reasons why draco was mean: 1. he was raised to be superior, better than other kids.
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What house is the opposite of Slytherin?

Hufflepuffs. Hufflepuffs are the opposite of Slytherins because they are eager to build a consensus that everyone can live with.
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Is True Slytherins loyal?

Slytherins can be extremely loyal if they want to be. They can respect people and never leave their side. We also are just as rebellious and daring as Gryffindors.
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Why Slytherins are good friends?

They're good at recognising when someone excels, and will push you to keep excelling. While not always warm and cuddly, Slytherins could in fact be your biggest cheerleaders when it comes to achieving your goals. Loved those of great ambition.
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What is the least liked Hogwarts house?

Although there are strengths to every house, Hufflepuff house in particular often comes up short. While the other houses seem cool and invite a certain allure, Hufflepuff is a little different. Often considered the least desirable of all the sorting options, here are some reasons why Hufflepuff house is the worst.
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