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Can you be ADHD and not autistic?

Autism spectrum disorder and ADHD are related in several ways. ADHD is not on the autism spectrum, but they have some of the same symptoms. And having one of these conditions increases the chances of having the other.
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Can ADHD appear like autism?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism can look a lot like each other. Children with either condition can have problems focusing. They can be impulsive or have a hard time communicating. They may have trouble with schoolwork and with relationships.
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How does ADHD differ from autism?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition whose hallmark signs include hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. Autism is also a neurodevelopmental condition, but one characterized by social skills challenges like social interactions, communications, and repetitive behaviors.
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Can ADHD mask autism?

Can ADHD mask autism? Yes. For those who have both conditions, it's more common for the autism diagnosis to come much later compared to those that have only autism. This is likely due to ADHD symptom presentations masking the autistic behaviors.
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Am I autistic or ADHD?

Although 2019 research suggests some symptoms of ADHD and ASD overlap, there are distinct differences. A person with ADHD may have attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity challenges. But an autistic individual may have difficulties with communication, social interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors.
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5 signs you have ADHD and autism

What are the traits of ADHD with autism?

Hallmarks of autism spectrum disorder and ADHD often overlap. Many autistic children also have symptoms of ADHD — difficulty settling down, social awkwardness, only focusing only on things of interest to them, and impulsivity.
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What is ADHD stimming?

ADHD stimming (self-stimulatory behavior) is when a person with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder unconsciously repeats certain movements or sounds. Some ADHD stimming examples include humming, pacing, teeth grinding, and rocking, though there are many others.
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How do I know if I'm autistic?

Main signs of autism

finding it hard to understand what others are thinking or feeling. getting very anxious about social situations. finding it hard to make friends or preferring to be on your own. seeming blunt, rude or not interested in others without meaning to.
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What is an example of ADHD stimming?

Stimming can take many different forms: visual: staring off into space, drawing, spinning things like pens or coins. verbal/auditory: repeating sounds, excessive giggling, constantly clearing throat. tactile: rubbing fingers, chewing/biting nails, chewing the inside of cheeks.
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What are autism symptoms that aren't related to ADHD?

Traits like distractibility and impulsivity, for example, are part of the ADHD diagnosis. While they're not part of the autism diagnosis, they appear in most people with autism. Speech delays and idiosyncrasies are part of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis and not the ADHD diagnosis.
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What is scripting autism?

Scripting is the repetition of words, phrases, or sounds from other people's speech. Most commonly scripting phrases and sounds are from movies, tv, or other sources like books or people they interact with. Scripting is especially common in children on the spectrum who are learning to talk.
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What are the 3 main symptoms of autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Difficulty with communication and interaction with other people.
  • Restricted interests and repetitive behaviors.
  • Symptoms that affect their ability to function in school, work, and other areas of life.
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Do people with ADHD have anger issues?

Anger is not on the official list of ADHD symptoms . However, many adults with ADHD struggle with anger, especially impulsive, angry outbursts . Triggers can include frustration, impatience, and even low self-esteem. A number of prevention tips may help adults with ADHD manage anger as a symptom.
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Do people with ADHD overthink?

This means ADHD and overthinking kind of go hand in hand. The ADHD brain grasps hold of your thoughts and runs away with them, while emotions keep the engine running. Thinking of a project due tomorrow turns into worrying about a project due tomorrow, which turns into reviewing everything wrong you've ever done…
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Do people with ADHD need more sleep?

A: ADHD brains need more sleep, but find it doubly difficult to achieve restfulness. It is one of those ADHD double whammies: ADHD makes it harder to get enough sleep, and being sleep deprived makes it harder to manage your ADHD (or anything else).
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Can I be slightly autistic?

It is possible to be mildly autistic, but many of the behaviors and preferences found in people with autism are also common to people who do not have autism. The difference is that people with autism engage in these behaviors in different ways and for different reasons.
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Can you self identify as autistic?

Some adults without an autism diagnosis believe they are on the autism spectrum. Little is known about these self-diagnosed individuals. If the self-diagnosed are autistic, it is possible that they are like diagnosed adults in their reports of autism identity, stigma, and quality of life.
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What do ADHD tics feel like?

Motor tics may be mild, with movements such as excessive eye blinking or shrugging. They can also be very noticeable, with movements such as mouth opening, facial grimacing, head movements, shoulder shrugging, twitching, or combinations of these movements.
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Do ADHD people have sensory issues?

Sensory issues and sensory processing disorders are prevalent in people with ADHD. Although scientists are still researching the exact correlation, research has shown that kids and adults with ADHD are more likely than neurotypical people to experience sensory overload.
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Does ADHD affect eye contact?

1 Eye Contact: Avoidance of eye contact may be a charactersitic behaviour of a child with ADHD or Autistic Specrum Disorder. They may look as if they are ignoring you, but some children find making eye contact really difficult.
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Can ADHD meds help with autism?

Stimulants don't change the core characteristics of autism.

But some evidence suggests that stimulants can help autistic children with ADHD pay attention and behave less impulsively. In turn, this can help them at school and in social situations. Stimulants can have side effects.
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What is high functioning autism?

“High-functioning autism” isn't an official medical term or diagnosis. It's an informal one some people use when they talk about people with an autism spectrum disorder who can speak, read, write, and handle basic life skills like eating and getting dressed. They can live independently.
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Is ADHD on the Neurodivergent spectrum?

ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, and Dyslexia all fall within the spectrum of “Neurodiversity” and are all neurodiverse conditions. Neuro-differences are recognised and appreciated as a social category similar to differences in ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, or ability.
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What does untreated ADHD look like?

Symptoms of untreated ADHD in adults include: restlessness or hyperactivity – demonstrated through talking or fidgeting excessively. impulsivity – acting without thinking of long-term consequences. inattention – difficulty staying focused.
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