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Can zombie villagers have a job?

Naturally spawned zombie villagers (or ones spawned with spawn eggs) have a random profession that is retained upon being cured. However, the profession is not locked and the cured villager may gain a new profession if in a village with an available job site block.
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Can you change the occupation of a zombie villager?

The villager will change the trades if you pick up the job block and place it back down (ex. A farmer villager first trades carrots, you haven't traded with that villager yet to “lock them in”. You pick up the composter and put it back down and then the villager changed his trade to be potatoes).
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Why won t my zombie villager get a job?

The only reason a villager won't take a work station is because either: They are a green robed Nittwitt; which are usless and I suggest you sacrifice to HeRoBrInE. They already have a job at another work station.
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How do you turn a zombie villager into a librarian?

Here's the entire process in a nutshell: Find a unspecialized villager, create a Lectern and please it close to the villager and wait for the villager to turn in to a Librarian.
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How do you tell if a zombie villager is a nitwit?

Some villagers will not have any unique clothing, but they will have a green upper body. These villagers with green upper bodies are nitwits of the village. This is arguably the best way to identify them amongst other villagers.
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How to cure Zombie Villagers and change their jobs in Minecraft | Village and pillage update

How do you give a zombie villager a golden apple?

Feed the villager a Golden Apple - you can do this by approaching the zombie villager and pressing the 'use' button. The grey swirls will turn red, and the zombie villager will start shaking. Wait a few moments, and the zombie villager will turn into a regular villager.
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Can a nitwit villager get a job?

Apart from their clothes, there isn't a noticeable difference between them and other villagers. Since they cannot take on any profession, their appearance does not change.
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Do cured villagers raise their prices?

It has recently come to my knowledge that villagers, once cured, do not lower their prices, and, on the contrary, their prices for trades go up.
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Can you turn a nitwit into a zombie villager?

In minecraft Wiki, Nitwit villager can be changed into Zombie villager , then into employable villager when cured.
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Can you put a zombie head on a villager?

If you wear a Creepers head the creeper will ignore you. etc. Also will Villagers react to such heads. If you wear a Zombie head, Villagers will be scared of you and run to their homes and an Iron Golem will Attack you or other Villagers wearing a Zombie head.
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What is the rarest villager job?

Fletcher – Rarest of All Minecraft Villager Jobs

You can get arrows, flint, bow, and crossbows from low-level fletchers. Meanwhile, upper-level fletchers provide enchanted bows, enchanted crossbows, and even tipped arrows.
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Which villager has no job?

There are many villagers there with jobs, but one of the jobs listed is 'Unemployed' and the other is 'Nitwit'. Unemployed means they can be hired for a job, whereas Nitwits can't do anything and are essentially pointless, bless 'em.
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Can nitwits spawn iron golems?

Nitwit has higher rate to summon Iron Golems when hurt by other mobs.
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How rare is it for the golden apple to spawn?

The chances of finding enchanted golden apples are very low. Their only sources are loot chests of desert temples (2.6%), dungeons (3.1%), mineshafts (1.4%), woodland mansions (3.1%), ruined portals (1.5%), and bastion remnants (6.5%).
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Does curing a villager lower prices forever?

When you cure a zombie villager, the discounts don't last forever. The more you trade with him the more his prices will get. This is normal, but eventually when you trade a lot with them their prices will not go down and will eventually reset back to the original prices.
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Are igloos rare Minecraft?

8 Igloos Are Exclusive To Snowy Biomes

They can spawn only in the following snowy sub-biomes: snowy plains, snowy taigas, and snowy slopes. The most common place igloos can be easily found in are snowy plains, and they'll be the easiest to spot in this biome as well.
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Can you breed cured zombie villagers?

Zombie villagers that have been cured and are used to start a new village (player made) never breed, even if given more than enough food/beds. This does not affect naturally spawned/bred villagers. I believe that this was caused by 1.12's change to Z. Villagers keeping their profession after being cured.
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How do you keep zombie villagers from Despawning?

Name tags. Perhaps the best way to keep mobs from despawning is through the use of name tags. These items are rare and can be difficult to find, but naming mobs with a name tag is the most surefire way to ensure that they will never despawn.
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Can curing a zombie villager fail?

Curing zombie villagers can sometimes fail and turns them into illagers. Since illagers seem to villagers that haven't fully recovered from the zombie illness.
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How rare is a mending book?

How Rare is a Book of Mending in Minecraft? As per tests by Minecraft players, the chances of getting an enchanted book with mending enchantment are only 0.8%.
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How rare is a mending book from fishing?

In mending, strongholds have the highest chances of spawning chests with enchanted books. Fishing: By using the fishing method in mending there is a 0.8% chance of getting an enchanted book. This number can go up if players put the Luck of the Sea enchantment on their fishing rods.
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Which villager gives you the most emeralds?

Probably the easiest way to trade for emeralds is to take advantage of the farms located in villages and make some deals with the local Farmers. Farmers, who will spawn when there is a composter nearby, will immediately offer you emeralds in exchange for a good amount of wheat, potatoes, carrots, or beetroots.
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What is the scariest villager?

There are certainly a few rather scary villagers you wouldn't want living on your island paradise.
  • 8 Lucky.
  • 7 Peaches.
  • 6 Zipper T. Bunny.
  • 5 Tabby.
  • 4 Pietro.
  • 3 Stitches.
  • 2 Raddle.
  • 1 Coco.
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