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Do eels have a purpose?

"Ecologically eels are very important," he said. "They are a top-order predator in freshwater streams, which help regulate the population of other animals. They themselves are a significant source of food for fish, mammals, turtles and birds.
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Are eels beneficial?

Promoting healthy bones and skin. Not only is eel a delightful treat, the list of health benefits is extensive. To begin with, it contains a good amount of calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, manganese, zinc and iron. For the carb-conscious, eel contains no sugar, and is low in sodium and high in phosphorus.
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What do eels turn into?

Eels transform from eggs to transparent willow-leaflike larvae, to wormy see-through babies called glass eels, and onward until full size. Like most eel species, American and European eels don't fully develop gonads until their last life stage, usually between 7 and 25 years in.
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What is the mystery behind eels?

Ancient Egyptians associated eels with the sun god Atum and believed they sprang to life when the sun warmed the Nile. In the fourth century BCE, Aristotle proclaimed that eels spontaneously generated within “the entrails of the earth” and that they didn't have genitals. The no-genital theory held for generations.
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What is special about eels?

Eels are characterized by their elongated, wormlike bodies. Unlike most fish, eels do not have pelvic fins, and most species do not have pectoral fins. Eels have a continuous dorsal, anal, and caudal fin that runs around the tail tip. To swim, eels generate waves that travel the length of their bodies.
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No one can figure out how eels have sex - Lucy Cooke

Do eels have feelings?

Albert agrees that eels likely do feel emotions but thinks loneliness might be a bit of a stretch. ALBERT: Almost certainly fishes have emotions. Probably all vertebrates have fear and anger (laughter).
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Why are eels valuable?

The eels get sold to Asian aquaculture companies that use them as seed stock so they can be raised to maturity and used as food. They are used in Japanese dishes, and some return to the United States for use in sushi restaurants. The baby eels are by far the most valuable seafood species in Maine on a per-pound basis.
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Do eels have memories?

A new study led by researchers at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science and at the Institute of Marine Research in Norway found that European glass eels use their magnetic sense to “imprint” a memory of the direction of water currents in the estuary where they become juveniles ...
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What was the Egyptian belief about eels?

The eel was associated with the god Atum of Heliopolis, one of the oldest Egyptian deities, and attributed with the creation of the world. Eels and snakes were mummified and offered to Atum in the temples, to be subsequently buried in the associated cemeteries.
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How do eels get pregnant?

Freshwater eels spawn in the Sargasso Sea after migrating thousands of miles from freshwater streams and rivers. Researchers believe they spawn via external fertilization. The females release millions of eggs into the water where they are fertilized by the male's sperm.
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Do eels change gender?

All blue ribbon eels undergo an immense transformation within their lifetime. At birth, they begin life as males and as they mature they make the switch and become females. Although seemingly remarkable, in the fish world, this occurs more than you might think.
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Do eels shoot electricity?

Using a combination of its three electric organs, electric eels can generate powerful or weak electrical discharges. Powerful discharges come from the Hunter's and Main organ and are used to defend against predators or stun potential prey.
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How do eels release sperm?

Eels release their eggs underwater, to be fertilized by clouds of expelled sperm. That goes for both freshwater eels and the nonfreshwater species, such as morays and conger eels.
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Can Muslims eat eel?

In the Hanafi school of Sunni Muslim jurisprudence, to which the majority population of Sunni Muslims belong, only "fish" (as opposed to all "sea game") are permissible, including eel and hagfish.
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Why don't we use eels for power?

A large electric eel can produce a charge of up to 650 volts, which is more than five times the shocking power of a household outlet. Electricity produced by eels, however, would be a very inefficient way to power our lives, so don't expect to see them included in our power mix anytime soon.
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Are eels intelligent?

Eels have many traits that suggest a lively intelligence. They are known, for example, for going on hunger strikes in captivity, and they hunt cooperatively with groupers in the wild.
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What is the giant eel myth?

According to Melanesian mythology the Abaia is a type of large eel which dwells at the bottom of freshwater lakes in the Fiji, Solomon and Vanuatu Islands. The Abaia is said to consider all creatures in the lake its children and protects them furiously against anyone who would harm or disturb them.
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What animal was feared but worshipped in ancient Egypt?

Large cats such as cheetahs and lions were kept as exotic pets and were emblems of royalty. Other animals that were feared by ancient Egyptians, such as crocodiles and hippopotami, were revered and worshipped in order to protect them from their wrath.
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What animal is sacred in Egypt?

Cats are, of course, the most famous Egyptian animal. Ancient Egyptians believed them to be sacred, and they also kept them as pets. Cats were seen as a symbol of the cat goddess Bast(or Bastet). She was first worshipped in the form of a lioness, and then later a cat.
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Do eels have superpowers?

Its high-voltage charge does more than just stun prey, study suggests. The high voltage strike of an electric eel has long been regarded as one of the most powerful attacks in nature. But now one scientist has discovered that the nocturnal animals can also use their shock waves to track prey in the dark.
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Why are eels so strange?

Eels are philosophically and scientifically slippery. They're fish that can survive for several hours on land, they can live for 85 years, and they don't have sex until the last year of their life. Even after centuries of study, they're still among of the most mysterious creatures on the planet.
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Why do eels have bad eyesight?

Moray eels have very poor vision. They rely on chemoreception, a physiological response to chemical stimuli, to catch their food. The large nostrils also aid in sensing what is around them. Moray eels are nocturnal, thus good eyesight is not a necessity for these creatures.
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Why do Japanese love eels?

Since ancient times, Japanese have considered eels a nutritious and energizing food. Nowadays, eel is considered a delicacy and artisanal eel restaurants are found throughout the country.
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Why can't farmers breed eels?

Because of the complex lifecycle of the eel, breeding stock in captivity is something that is not possible as yet. Eels spend months travelling to the spawning grounds to breed in the sea. So far, artificial ways of breeding eels for commercial farming purposes has not been successful.
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Why did eels become electric?

Evolution took advantage of a quirk of fish genetics to develop electric organs. All fish have duplicate versions of the sodium channel gene that produces tiny muscle switches. To evolve electric organs, electric fish turned off one duplicate of the gene in muscles and turned it on in other cells.
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