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Do indie games have copyright?

You own the copyright to your game — particularly the software code, art, audio, and story — once you create it. You can also register your game with your country's copyright office for additional protection. This is your protection against people making copies of your game, or using your game art, audio, or story.
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Do indie games need copyright?

If you're an independent developer and you receive graphic material, music, sound effects or written assets from others, you don't own these materials. Copyright law says, in most instances, the ownership rights to such material belong to the original creator.
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How do I protect my indie games?

Trademarking a game name is the primary way to protect it. The best way to trademark a game name is to apply for a federally registered trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The USPTO registers trademarks, including game trademarks. Most game developers start by applying to trademark a game name.
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Can I make a game without copyright?

If you don't own the associated copyrights, trademarks, or patents, and you don't have written consent to use those products, including but not limited to images, symbols and mechanics, then you cannot use them in your game.
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Are game items copyrighted?

Regardless of where or on what device they're played, copyright law protects video games from the moment they are fixed in a tangible form of expression.
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Why Most Indie Game Developers Don't Make Money

What are 5 things you can copyright in a game?

The computer code or other fixed medium is considered copyrightable, and the game's presentation can be copyrighted as a literary work or dramatic work, while elements like character design, art and sound and music can also be copyrighted.
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How do I know if a game is copyrighted?

How do you check if something is copyrighted? We found out earlier that every original creative work is “copyrighted” as soon as it's written down or saved in some tangible form. If you want to check registrations, though, you need to use the search engine on
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Can you get sued for making a game?

That is, anyone can sue you for copyright infringement at any time, and then force you to spend money defending yourself. So the legal limits aren't the only thing to worry about; be cautious of getting close (whether or not you cross the legal line) to any game from a known litigious company.
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Can you self publish a game?

If an indie developer or small studio is planning for a small or light release, then self-publishing may be the way to go. However, larger games could see more success through a dedicated publishing deal. Outsourcing the work and expanding upon unexpected opportunities can be done faster with a publishing company.
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Is my game automatically copyrighted?

Technically you automatically own the copyright to any original work, including a video game, as soon as it's published in a fixed, tangible (which includes digital, now) form. The day you make your game available to the public, the day you own the copyright.
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Why do some indie games fail?

Indie games fail sometimes because of a poor marketing strategy: Either the team didn't build an audience or didn't find a way to interest the gaming world enough to make it play the game. The second reason comes from the game itself: The lack of game design skills or the level of immersion is too low.
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Can I sell my indie game?

Yes, of course, you can. There are actually a few ways to make money selling indie games. One is to build a game that is designed for mobile devices, as these games tend to have lower development costs and can be marketed through app stores at a lower price point.
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How do I protect my game from being copied?

The best way of doing this is to register for federal trademark protection with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). By following the USPTO's online guide to trademark registration, you will see that you can register the name of products (such as a game).
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How much does it cost to copyright a game?

Basic Filing of a Copyright Application

The initial filing of a copyright application will cost between $50 and $65 depending on the type of form, unless you file online which will then only cost you $35.
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Is it profitable to make indie games?

According to ALCOR, the average junior indie game developer in the US in 2022 earned $40,500, with mid-levels earning $55,500, and seniors earning $69,000.
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Can you create a game idea and sell it?

Inquire with the company first. Ask them if they want to hear your idea and offer to sign an NDA (nondisclosure agreement). If you're not interested in money or lawsuits, tell them in writing they can have your idea no strings attached if they want to use it. Don't just send the idea in unsolicited.
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Can I create a game and sell it?

You just need to make sure that your marketing does replicate the experience that a consumer will get when they play your game. You might also want to look at options like video production. A video production company will make the marketing for your game far more immersive and exciting.
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Can a 13 year old publish a video game?

Without a parent or guardian's oversight and permission, most places you can publish a game won't let you register.
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Can you be sued for a free fan game?

Some companies shut down fangames as copyright infringements. Original copyright holders can order a cease and desist upon fangame projects, as by definition fangames are unauthorized uses of copyrighted property. Many fangames go as far as taking music and graphics directly from the original games.
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How long does game copyright last?

As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.
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Is it a crime to fix a game?

Match fixing, when motivated by gambling, requires contacts (and normally money transfers) between gamblers, players, team officials, and/or referees. These contacts and transfers can sometimes be discovered, and lead to prosecution by the law or the sports league(s).
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Who owns the copyright to a game?

The starting point is that the person who has drawn, drafted, created, developed or produced a copyrightable work owns the copyright but there are scenarios where this is not true. Where employees create the work in the course of their employment, the employer will own the copyright.
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What are 3 items that can't be copyrighted?

Copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases. In some cases, these things may be protected as trademarks.
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How much can you copy without infringing copyright?

Text and Data

You can use up to 10%, but no more than 1000 words, of essays, articles, or stories, of a single copyrighted work. You can use up to 250 words of an entire poem, or a portion of a poem.
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