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How can 8 plus 8 equal 4 riddle?

10. How can 8 + 8 = 4? When you think in terms of time. 8 AM + 8 hours= 4 o'clock.
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What is the riddle about the number eight?

Cut me in half and I am nothing. What am I? Answer: The number 8. Explanation: On its side, the number 8 looks like an infinity symbol.
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How do you find the answer to a riddle?

To solve a riddle, you will need to consider both the literal and the potential meanings of the words. For example, this riddle asks: “What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?” (Answer: a towel.) Even though the actions seem contradictory, a towel does dry things and get wet as it dries those things.
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What is the law in Wally's world riddle?

What is the law? Answer: Each word in Wally's World must contain double letters.
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What is the hardest brain teaser riddle?

Here is the riddle, straight from the mathematician's mouth: “Three gods, A, B, and C, are called, in some order, True, False, and Random. True always speaks truly, False always speaks falsely, but whether Random speaks truly or falsely is completely random.
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Can you solve the counterfeit coin riddle? - Jennifer Lu

What is the hardest ever riddle?

I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? This riddle relies on tricking you into thinking about ears and a mouth.
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What is a riddle for Santa?

11. Santa Claus rides on it as he gives out gifts, and to it nine reindeer are hitched. What is it? Answer: Sleigh.
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What can travel but can't leave its corner?

What can travel around the world while staying in a corner? Answer: A stamp.
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What is the lying city riddle?

Those who were born in City of Lies always lie. Those who were born in City of Truth always tell truth. Residents of each town visit the other town from time to time, so when you ask someone a question you don't know if he would lie or not.
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Where is the $1 riddle?

Each of the 3 guests has $1 in his pocket, totaling $3. When added to the $27 revised cost of the room (including tip to the bellhop), the total is $30. To obtain a sum that totals to the original $30, every dollar must be accounted for, regardless of its location. This sum does indeed come out to $30.
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What is a riddle that Cannot be solved?

An impossible puzzle is a puzzle that cannot be resolved, either due to lack of sufficient information, or any number of logical impossibilities.
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What has many rings but no finger answer?

Hence the answer Telephone makes perfect sense.
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What has 13 hearts but is not living?

Q: What has 13 hearts, but no other organs? ... ... A: A deck of playing cards.
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Why is the number 8 so special?

The number eight is considered to be a lucky number in Chinese and other Asian cultures. Eight (八; accounting 捌; pinyin bā) is considered a lucky number in Chinese culture because it sounds like the word meaning to generate wealth (發(T) 发(S); Pinyin: fā). Property with the number 8 may be valued greatly by Chinese.
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Why is 4 the magic number riddle?

“One” has three letters. “Three” has five letters. “Five” has four letters. Four must be “magic” because it has the same number of letters as its actual value.
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What can run but can't walk?

Answer: A River!
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What starts with T and ends with T?

It's teapot! The word teapot starts with the word 'T' and also ends with the word 'T'. In a teapot it has tea as tea is pronounced as 'T'. The answer is Teapot.
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What must be broken to be used?

Answer: Their middle name.
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What has needles but doesn't sew?

What am I? Well, there are quite a few answers to this riddle!! Porcupine, nurse, pine tree, record player, cactus!
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What can you never put in a saucepan?

What can you find in a cupboard that can never be put in a saucepan? Answer: Its lid.
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What did Santa change his name to?

The name, Santa Claus, was stated to evolve from Nick's Dutch nickname, Sinter Klaas, a shortened form of Sint Nikolaas, which is translated as the Dutch name for St. Nicholas. Gift giving, a custom that was passed down from St.
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What has 1000 holes but still holds water?

Sponge is full of holes but still holds water.
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What has 4 legs up and down?

Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, and hard all round. Answer: a bed.
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What has 5 fingers but is not alive?

What has 5 fingers but is not alive? Some very interesting answers to this question! But the correct answer is a glove.
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