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How do you beat a hard Sudoku puzzle?

How to Solve Hard Sudoku Puzzles
  1. 1 Use a pencil.
  2. 2 Note potential candidates in open squares.
  3. 3 Scan the board to process the puzzle.
  4. 4 Start with the obvious singles.
  5. 5 Revisit your candidates after you solve singles.
  6. 6 Identify naked or hidden pairs.
  7. 7 Move on to triples and quads.
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Is there a secret to solving Sudoku puzzles?

The most basic strategy to solve a Sudoku puzzle is to first write down, in each empty cell, all possible entries that will not contradict the One Rule with respect to the given cells. If a cell ends up having only one possible entry, it is a "forced" entry that you should fill in.
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Can hard Sudoku be solved without guessing?

The short answer is yes. Every proper Sudoku puzzle can be solved without ever having to make a guess. Another way of thinking about it is that every Sudoku puzzle can be solved logically. Even though it may require highly complicated solving techniques you're not familiar with.
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What is the key to Killer Sudoku?

The 45 Rule

An essential Killer Sudoku solving technique is the "45 rule". This uses the fact that every row, column and block must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9 once. Therefore, the total of all numbers in one row, column or block will always be 45.
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What is the fastest way to solve a Sudoku puzzle?

The easiest way starting a Sudoku puzzle is to scan rows and columns within each triple-box area, eliminating numbers or squares and finding situations where only a single number can fit into a single square. The scanning technique is fast and usually sufficient to solve easy puzzles all the way to the end.
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How To Do Hard Sudokus In 10 Minutes

What are the 3 rules of Sudoku?

What are the 3 rules of Sudoku?
  • Each row should have numbers 1-9, no repeats.
  • Each column should have numbers 1-9, no repeats.
  • Each 3x3 quadrant should have numbers 1-9, no repeats.
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What is the one rule in Sudoku?

Sudoku Rule № 1: Use Numbers 1-9

Within the rows and columns are 9 “squares” (made up of 3 x 3 spaces). Each row, column and square (9 spaces each) needs to be filled out with the numbers 1-9, without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square.
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What is the algorithm to solve any Sudoku?

The Algorithm

One algorithm to solve Sudoku puzzles is the backtracking algorithm. Essentially, you keep trying numbers in empty spots until there aren't any that are possible, then you backtrack and try different numbers in the previous slots.
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How long does it take the average person to solve a hard Sudoku puzzle?

The average person takes more than a few minutes to solve a Sudoku. It requires patience, time, and attention. If you're not very patient by nature, you will likely find yourself very disappointed and annoyed with the game.
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What is the swordfish technique in Sudoku?

A Swordfish is a 3 by 3 nine-cell pattern where a candidate is found on three different rows (or three columns) and they line up in the opposite direction. Eventually we will fix three candidates somewhere in those cells which excludes all other candidates in those units.
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Is there only one solution to each Sudoku puzzle?

Sudoku is a number puzzle consisting of a 9 x 9 grid in which some cells contain clues in the form of digits from 1 to 9. The solver's jobs is to fill in the remaining cells so that each row, column and 3×3 box in the grid contains all nine digits. There's another unwritten rule: the puzzle must have only one solution.
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What is the 159 rule in Sudoku?

Normal sudoku rules apply: Each row, column, and region indicated by thick borders in the grid must contain the digits 1 to 9 once each. 159: Digits in column 1 indicate the column in which the digit 1 appears in that row (e.g. if r4c1 is a 6, r4c6 is a 1).
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What is not allowed in Sudoku?

You can use only numbers from 1 to 9. Each 3×3 block can only contain numbers from 1 to 9. Each vertical column can only contain numbers from 1 to 9. Each horizontal row can only contain numbers from 1 to 9.
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Is Sudoku left or right brain?

Sudoku is a logic puzzle, which exercises the left hemisphere of the brain. Doing Sudoku puzzles is fundamentally satisfying because it helps us “flex the muscles” in a part of our brain that might not always get a lot of use during our everyday lives.
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What is Sudoku pattern?

The essence of the standard sudoku pattern is threefold: (a) a 9-by-9 grid of squares is divided into nine square. sub-grids; (b) a set of nine distinct symbols is used, be they digits, letters, colors or shapes; (c) each row, each column and. each sub-grid must contain each of the symbols exactly once.
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What is rule of 2 Sudoku?

Rule 2 - Each column must contain the numbers from 1 to 9, without repetitions. The Sudoku rules for the columns on the grid are exactly the same as for the rows. The player must also fill these with the numbers from 1 to 9, making sure each digit occurs only once per column.
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What is a hidden triple in Sudoku?

"Hidden triples" applies when three cells in a row, column, or 3x3 block contain the same three Notes. These three cells also contain other candidates, which may be removed from them. It will be easier to understand this technique if you look at the example. Take a look at the highlighted cells.
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What is a hidden pair in Sudoku?

A hidden pair occurs when a pair of numbers appears in exactly two squares in a row, column, or block, but those two numbers aren't the only ones in their squares. In the above example, the 5 and 9 in red are a hidden pair.
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What is an evil Sudoku puzzle?

What is Sudoku Evil? Sudoku evil is a 9×9 grid sudoku puzzle with the highest possible level of difficulty. It's an advanced level only for experienced sudoku solvers.
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What is a jellyfish pattern in Sudoku?

If a particular candidate is present in four or less Cells in four Rows and if these Cells belong to the same four Columns, then whichever Cells the candidate is the solution for in any of these four Rows, these Cells must be in different columns.
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Are there patterns in Sudoku?

Patterns are essentially a series of completed numbers (either givens or numbers that have been filled in) in a specific order in one of the boxes on the sudoku grid. Patterns help you organize the remaining numbers and eliminate possibilities in a box, and in related boxes, rows and columns.
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