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How much KDA is good in Dota 2?

2.5 and up on top 7 heroes. And 3.5-5 KDA on carry heroes.
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What is a good KDA in Dota 2?

Dota 2 leading heroes based on KDA ratio 12 months 2022

As of December 2022, melee Spectre was the most successful Dota 2 hero with a KDA (kill/death/assist) ratio of 4.23 in the last 12 months. That means gamers who played Spectre during matches had 4.23 kills or assists for each character's death.
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Is A KDA of 1.5 good?

What is a good KD in Apex Legends? If your KD happens to be above 1.0 and looks more like 1.5 or higher, this would be considered an above-average or good KD in Apex Legends, as you will be killing more than one person before dying more often than not.
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Is 2.00 KDA good?

A person who has kd less than 2 is a noob player. He has reached high leagues only by surviving and has very less game skills. A person who has kd between 2 and 4 is a good player and has good gaming skills. He can be compared to a pro player.
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Is 2.2 KDA good?

However, that's a pretty useless number if you're hoping to judge your in-game performance. Instead, it's better to compare the average KDA for individual Champions, where anything above a 2:1 kill-death ratio is considered good.
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How to calibrate high mmr in dota2 account

Is a 1.47 KD good?

What is a good KD ratio? Any number greater than 1.00. It depends on the game, but generally a KD greater than 1 means you're winning most of your fights, with anything between 1.2-1.6 being really good. This number might be much higher if you play games without skill-based matchmaking.
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Is a 0.58 KD good?

Anything above a KD of 1 is above average and everything below is that is below average.
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Is a .99 KD good?

Players with a 1.0 KD or above are better than average. This is generally considered “good.” The closer you get to 2.0 or above, the more “pro” you will seem.
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What is a high KDA?

Players with a large number of kills and/or assists and a small number of deaths have a higher KDA (and likely really helped their team), while those with a large number of deaths have a lower KDA (meaning they let their team down).
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What does 1 KDA mean?

Quick Reference. Symbol kDa. A non-SI unit of mass used to express molecular mass, especially for large molecules, such as proteins and polysaccharides. It is equal to 1000 daltons.
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Why is my KDA negative?

A player may be described as having a "negative" KDR. This is a misnomer and simply means that the player's KDR is less than 1.
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How is KDA calculated?

The KDA is the total number of kills and assists, divided by the number of deaths.
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Is KDA important in Dota 2?

You can have high KDA with low damage by simply last hitting heroes. KDA is not as important as overall hero damage. You can have high KDA with low damage by simply last hitting heroes. You can have high KDA with low damage by simply last hitting heroes.
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Who has the highest KDA in Dota 2 pro scene?

qojqva holds the record for the highest KDA (51.00) in a single professional game.
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Is 1.20 KDA good?

1.00 to 1.50 is slightly above average. So you are the average of the slightly above average. 1.50 to 2.00 is quite good.
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Is 2.10 KDA good?

A person who has kd between 2 and 4 is a good player and has good gaming skills. He can be compared to a pro player. A person who has kd above 4 is a pro player and has high gaming skills.
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What does 3 KDA mean?

Contrary to the name, your KDA equals (kills+assists)/deaths. If you haven't died, KDA=kills+assists. You don't get to see the number on League's post-game screen, but many third-party services use it to assess one's performance.
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What is considered a low KD?

Most antibodies have KD values in the low micromolar (10-6) to nanomolar (10-7 to 10-9) range. High affinity antibodies generally considered to be in the low nanomolar range (10-9) with very high affinity antibodies being in the picomolar (10-12) range.
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Is a 1.71 KD good?

Anything above 1 is above average, but there is definitely more to fortnite than kd. 1.71 is pretty good, but not exceptional. Not really a good indicator of your level of play.
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What is a 1.50 KD?

Ultimately KD means one thing: Number of kills divided by number of times you die. So 1.5 K/D means on average, you kill 3 people every 2 games. Obviously there will be games where you kill more and some where you die before you kill anyone.
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Is 11 a good KD?

In competitive shooting games is the KD ratio between 0,9 - 1,2 considered as average and anything above 1,6 is taken as really good. KDA ratio between 2-3 is respectable, 3-4 is average and 4-5 shows that you really helped your team. You rock if your KDA is above 5.
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Is a 3 kd good in apex?

What is a good KD ratio in Apex Legends? The average KD ratio in Apex Legends, which you'll need to know to work out whether your kill/death ratio is “good” or not, is around 1.0.
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Is 2.61 a good KD?

1.8-2.0 is pretty good. 2.5 is very good.
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