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How old is Tiefling?

Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans, and tend to live approximately the same number of years, commonly a few years longer. A few tieflings live as long as 150 years.
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How does age work for tieflings?

Age: Tieflings mature at the same rate as humans but live a few years longer. Alignment: Tieflings might not have an innate tendency toward evil, but many of them end up there. Evil or not, an independent nature inclines many tieflings toward a chaotic alignment.
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Is a tiefling a demon or devil?

Tieflings, in particular, are described as humans dwelling within the planes with some “otherworldly heritage,” implied to be an evil being such as a demon, a devil, or a fiend. Unlike half-fiends, however, Tieflings are far below the family tree, hence their human-like appearance.
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What is the origin of the tieflings?

First appearance. Tieflings were human-based planetouched, native outsiders that were infused with the touch of the fiendish planes, most often through descent from fiends—demons, Yugoloths, devils, evil deities, and others who had bred with humans.
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Are tieflings born with horns?

So, tiefling babies are born hornless. As such, tieflings live most of their young childhood without horns. Their horns don't actually start to grow in until adolescence, around the time puberty would start. That being said, the growth of their horns is wildly unpredictable.
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Basically Tieflings

Can two humans give birth to a tiefling?

Yes, this is absolutely possible. The fiendish blood can run very thin and suddenly manifest itself as a tiefling. In Xanathar's Guide to Everything there's even a table for advice for backgrounds with a 50-50 chance of that being the case. Both parents were humans, their infernal heritage dormant until you came along.
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Do tieflings age differently?

Tieflings only age from infancy to adulthood - once they reach adult hood at roughly age 15, their aging is slowed to the point of being practically immortal, only significantly aging every couple decades or centuries.
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Do blue tieflings exist?

They have a wide array of skin tones, most commonly deep crimson, but also purple, blue, green, and even yellow and pink. Tiefling parents of similar skin colors can have varying-colored children.
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Are tieflings born with wings?

In rare cases, tieflings can be born with wings; rarer still, these wings function, enabling the tiefling to fly. These characteristics aside, a tiefling is otherwise very much like their parent.
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How do tieflings reproduce?

Genetics and Reproduction

They give live birth, and pregnancies last around 8 months. Tieflings can also come out when mating with a Human, or if two humans with devilish blood in them mate, there is a chance to create a Tieflings. Tieflings can also appear if either a Tiefling or a Human Mates with a Devil.
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What is the opposite of Tiefling?

Aasimar is the natural opposite of the tiefling – humanoids infused with celestial blood as opposed to the tiefling's infernal heritage.
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How tall is a Tiefling?

Tieflings were, on average, just as tall as humans, from 5'6" – 6'2" (1.67 – 1.88 m) and weighed just a little bit heavier at 140 – 220 lbs (64 – 91 kg).
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Can tieflings be purple?

Tiefling skin ranges through common human shades right into the reds, ranging from brick red to a ruddy tan. Tiefling hair, which starts behind their horns, ranges from dark blue to purple to red in addition to more normal human colors.
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Can tieflings cut off their horns?

Yes, a tiefling's horns and tail could be removed.
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What do tieflings smell like?

A tiefling may cast no shadow, or have no reflection in mirrors. Their skin may exude an ashy grit, and they may have a natural odor of ash, sulfur or rotting meat.
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What are tiefling horns made of?

Tiefling horns are made of keratin layer, which is the same material that makes a rhinoceros horn or an impala horn, wrapped around a core of bone.
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What does a tiefling look like for bloodline?

Eyes are always green or pure white, nails are always black, and a fiendish runic marking will usually manifest on the forehead during puberty that grants the holder immunity from either fire or poison. Skin will be shades of brown or ashen grey.
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What blood do tieflings have?

Though Tieflings are humanoid and can have human blood in their lineage, the infernal or fiend blood affects their nutritional needs quite a bit. In fact, it removes the benefits they can derive from fibrous vegetables. Like cats in the real world, Tieflings are what's known as obligate carnivores.
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What gods do tieflings worship?

Tieflings who revere a god other than Asmodeus often worship deities who watch over and care for outsiders, including Ilmater, Mask, Selune, Shar, and Tymora. Gods of knowledge, survival, cunning, and warfare are also common attractions for tieflings who value those qualities.
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What Colour is a tieflings blood?

Deep purple being the most common color, these tieflings get the name of bright bloodline because their blood is tied to Celestial powers. When they focus their magic in battle, their veins and eyes fill with a blinding white color, in sharp contrast to their skin.
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Can humans and tieflings mate?

Any humanoid plus a tiefling will always result in a tiefling. Elf, dwarf, halfling, human, gnome, orc, etc. Though, there is an error with that chart in the OP - a humanoid and a devil having a baby would not result in a tiefling - it would result in a Cambion.
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Do tiefling colors mean anything?

Multicolor Tieflings

Your PC's skin color has no impact on the mechanics of the game. Just be sure to work with your DM and the other players to make sure you're in sync with the world.
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What is the max age for a tiefling?

Growth Rate & Stages. Tieflings are considered an adult at the age of 60, and old at around 200. Maximum age for tieflings is around 260-270 years.
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Can tieflings purr?

-tieflings can purr and growl, and will often do so without noticing.
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What class is best for a tiefling?

Paladin. If you want to play a front-line tank, Paladin is the Tiefling's go-to option, beating out Fighter because the Tiefling's ability increases work so nicely for the Paladin. Darkvision is great for facing enemies in the dark where they live, and fire resistance adds to the Paladin's already fantastic durability.
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