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How painful is natural birth?

Yes, childbirth is painful. But it's manageable. In fact, nearly half of first-time moms (46 percent) said the pain they experienced with their first child was better than they expected, according to a nationwide survey commissioned by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) in honor of Mother's Day.
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Is natural birth more painful?

Ultimately, a natural birth may be more painful than a cesarean section. However, the pain after your cesarean section combined with the heightened risks to you and your baby may outweigh the initial pain of childbirth. Make sure you consult with your doctors to get the best possible advice for you.
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What is natural birth pain like?

Some people describe the feeling as being like intense period cramps, others say it feels like a tightening or pounding feeling in your uterus or across your belly, others describe the feeling as being like very intense muscle cramps, while still other people describe contractions as being like the sort of wrenching ...
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How painful is pushing a baby out?

With no epidural or narcotics on board, most birthing parents rate active-phase labor a 10 on the pain scale of 1 to 10. With pain management techniques taught in childbirth education, however, laboring parents can greatly reduce the intensity of the pain they experience.
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What does pushing a baby out feel like?

Most women will feel increased pressure in their perineum, rectum, and low back at this stage. For many women, the rectal pressure feels the same as having a bowel movement. As the baby's head begins to appear, you may feel a stretching or burning sensation.
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How painful is childbirth?

What is the most painful part of childbirth?

Most women find the most painful part of labor and delivery to be the contractions, while some others may feel pushing or post-delivery is most painful. Pain during labor and delivery may also be caused by pressure on the bladder and bowels by the baby's head and the stretching of the birth canal and vagina.
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Is labor or pushing more painful?

While slightly more than half said having contractions was the most painful aspect of delivery, about one in five noted pushing or post-delivery was most painful. Moms 18 to 39 were more likely to say post-delivery pain was the most painful aspect than those 40 and older.
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What is the hardest part of pushing a baby out?

Transition to the second stage of labor

This can be the toughest and most painful part of labor. It can last 15 minutes to an hour. During the transition: Contractions come closer together and can last 60 to 90 seconds.
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How can I have a painless birth?

Common options for coping with pain include massage, water therapy, and breathing exercises. Music and calming smells (aromatherapy) can help relax you. Consider taking short walks and changing positions during labor—moving around can reduce pain.
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Can natural birth be painless?

But labor pain is different for each woman, and different for each pregnancy of the same woman. And no one can predict what your labor will be like. It can range from mild to extreme. For some women, labor may be almost painless, or mild, or just irritating, or a dull or mild hurt.
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How bad is unmedicated labor?

The biggest drawback of a natural or unmedicated birth is, of course, laboring and delivering without the help of pain medication. Every birth progresses at its own pace, and every person will experience both the beauty and the pain in their own way.
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Is it better to give birth without epidural?

We may suggest having an epidural if you are at high-risk for needing a cesarean section (C-section) so we can potentially avoid using general anesthesia. You might also be considered high risk if you have a heart condition, preeclampsia, or diabetes, or if you're having twins or a baby in the breech position.
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Is the pain of giving birth worth it?

Giving Birth Is Worth the Pain

Even though most of the moms felt that giving birth was the hardest thing they'd ever done, they'd still do it all over again. That's what keeps the human race going!
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What is the hardest part of natural birth?

Stage 2 of labour: Transition

For many women, this is the toughest part of childbirth. Contractions are one on top of the other as your cervix dilates to 10 centimetres. You may feel you can no longer cope, or even start vomiting or trembling (especially in your legs).
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What's worse C-section or natural?

Vaginal birth is much safer than a C-section for most women and babies. Sometimes a C-section is the only safe option, like when the baby is positioned side-to-side in the belly (transverse lie) or the placenta is covering the cervix (placenta previa).
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Can you push before 10 cm?

Until recently, women have been asked to start pushing as soon as the cervix has dilated to 10 centimeters, but as long as you do not have a fever and your baby's heart rate is normal, there are many benefits to waiting to push until you feel the need to push.
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How can I push during labor without tearing?

Placing a warm cloth on the perineum during the second stage of labor might help. Perineal massage. During the second stage of labor, your health care provider might place two fingers of a lubricated gloved hand just inside your vagina and move them from side to side, exerting mild, downward pressure.
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What is the fear of giving birth?

Tokophobia is an extreme fear of childbirth. This condition primarily affects people designated female at birth, but a small number of people designated male at birth also experience it. Tokophobia is a specific phobia that causes fear of a particular situation.
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How many pushes does it take to deliver a baby?

Discourage more than three to four pushing efforts with each contraction and more than 6 to 8 seconds of each pushing effort (avoid counting to 10 with each pushing effort). Take steps to maintain a reassuring fetal heart rate (FHR) pattern while pushing.
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What is the easiest position to push out a baby?

Squatting is a great way to give birth, as it enlarges the pelvic opening and gives gravity an opportunity to help the process. In order to squat during childbirth, keep your knees wide and feet flat and parallel to each other. Use your partner, care team, doula or a birthing bar to support you as you push.
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What is the easiest way to push out a baby?

5 Tips for Pushing During Childbirth
  1. Push from Your Bottom. We know… ...
  2. Put Your Chin to Your Chest. When your care team instructs you to push, take a deep breath and tuck your chin as you push, looking below your bellybutton. ...
  3. Use Your Contractions as Your Guide. ...
  4. A Mirror Can Be Helpful. ...
  5. Follow Your Instincts.
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Does dilation hurt?

The pain experienced during dilation is similar to that of menstruation (although markedly more intense), as period pains are thought to be due to the passing of endometrium through the cervix. Most of the pain during labor is caused by the uterus contracting to dilate the cervix.
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Why you should say no to epidural?

The most significant downside of an epidural is that it may prolong the labor and delivery process. The epidural is very effective at numbing the nerves and muscles in a mother's lower body. The problem is that this makes the mother less able to use her muscles to effectively and rapidly push the baby out.
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