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Is it OK to play video games for 8 hours?

Many of Radesky's own patients report playing video games four to eight hours daily. That, she says, is often tied to much larger problems. The excessive solo and sedentary behavior can hinder sleep, academic performance, interpersonal skills and healthy weight.
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Is it OK to play video games for 7 hours?

For kids over the age of 6, the American Academy of Pediatrics says no more than 60 minutes on school days and 2 hours on non-school days. Kids under 6 should spend closer to 30 minutes. It's also appropriate for parents to know and approve the games their kids are playing.
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Is 10 hours a day bad for gaming?

Gaming addiction is a compulsive mental health disorder that can cause severe damage to one's life. It's common for a video game addict to spend over 10 hours a day gaming, usually well into the night, and many suffer from sleep deprivation 2.
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How many hours a day is excessive gaming?

While research suggests that behavioral issues can start to appear with children who play more than nine hours of video games a day – one hour on weekdays, two on weekends – many parents look for common signals that their child is playing too many video games, including: Irritability when not allowed to play games.
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Is 5 hours a day of gaming bad?

Potential game addiction can't be defined by a specific number of hours spent gaming. Instead, it is dictated by how your gaming affects other aspects of your life. If you play video games for five hours a day but can put the controller down without issue whenever you feel like it, you're probably fine.
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Why I'll NEVER Play Video Games Again After Learning This

How much gaming is unhealthy?

The study found that playing video games for more than 2 hours daily significantly increased the risk of depressive symptoms in gamers. Participants in our case studies report the link between gaming disorder, depression, and social anxiety.
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What are the signs of gaming addiction?

Signs to Watch For
  • Thinking about gaming all or a lot of the time.
  • Feeling bad when you can't play.
  • Needing to spend more and more time playing to feel good.
  • Not being able to quit or even play less.
  • Not wanting to do other things that you used to like.
  • Having problems at work, school, or home because of your gaming.
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How much gaming is healthy?

The number of healthy gaming hours for adults differs depending on the individual, and factors that affect it include a person's lifestyle and the amount of free time they have in a day. However, as a general rule, adults should avoid gaming for more than five hours at a stretch.
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How does gaming affect the brain?

Functional MRI brain imaging analyses found that children who played video games for three or more hours per day showed higher brain activity in regions of the brain associated with attention and memory than did those who never played.
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Is gaming too much a disorder?

Gaming disorder is defined in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a pattern of gaming behavior (“digital-gaming” or “video-gaming”) characterized by impaired control over gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent that gaming takes ...
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How to stop gaming addiction?

How to Quit a Gaming Addiction
  1. Set a Strict Time Limit for Daily Play. ...
  2. Remove Gaming Devices from Bedroom. ...
  3. Ask Friends and Family for Help. ...
  4. Try Other Stress-Relieving Activities. ...
  5. Seek Gaming Addiction Treatment.
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Why is gaming addictive?

The reward center in the brain releases dopamine in response to a pleasurable experience or hyperarousal. If a person experiences hyperarousal while playing video games, the brain associates the activity with dopamine. The person develops a strong drive to seek out that same pleasure again and again.
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What happens if I play videogames all day?

Gaming has also been associated with sleep deprivation, insomnia and circadian rhythm disorders, depression, aggression, and anxiety, though more studies are needed to establish the validity and the strength of these connections.
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How long do gamers play a day?

At 7.6 hours per week, the average gamer plays just over one hour every day on average.
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How long should a 12 year old play video games per day?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting video games to one hour per day.
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Can gaming be healthy?

Gaming is really a workout for your mind disguised as fun. Studies have shown that playing video games regularly may increase gray matter in the brain and boost brain connectivity. (Gray matter is associated with muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation.)
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Does gaming ruin dopamine?

Many gamers report having problems with anxiety and depression, and low dopamine levels can be why. For example, Vadim from Russia, one of our members, says he was extremely anxious and exhausted when he played games excessively, yet he kept on playing them, which caused his health to decline.
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Is gaming good or bad for mental health?

Gaming, when used positively, can be a really helpful way to look after your mental health. This is because it can give us a space to unwind, relax and take time out from the pressures of daily life – just like reading can, or going for a walk.
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What are the mental side effects of gaming?

Excessive gaming is connected to mental health problems such as:
  • Depression.
  • Social anxiety.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Poor emotional regulation.
  • Interpersonal conflict.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
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What does healthy gaming look like?

Healthy (or positive) gaming is when people play video games as one of many activities in their life. They spend time with family, go to work or school, have real-world friends as well as online friends, and enjoy other interests besides gaming.
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How long should I take a break from video games?

For gaming, this rule offers a good guideline for how often to take breaks, but you don't need to follow it too strictly. After around 60-90 minutes of gaming, mental fatigue will set it. This would be a good time to consider taking a gaming break. Your break could be anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes.
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Can gaming burn fat?

Playing active video games instead of watching TV or playing traditional video games has been shown to increase the number of calories you burn. More calories burned and fewer calories consumed is the secret to an effective weight loss plan.
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How many hours of gaming is considered an addiction?

For video game play to be classified as addictive, one must engage in them for at least 15 to 20 hours each week or more. This amounts to an average of three hours each day. This sort of play can cause lasting damage to the health and well-being of people, including their relationships and productivity.
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How long does it take to get over gaming addiction?

Research shows it will take up to 90 days for our brain chemistry to rewire back to normal dopamine sensitivity levels. And during this 90 days we may experience any of the following: Compulsions, cravings and/or urges to game. Withdrawals, mood swings and/or irritability.
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Are video games a drug?

Dopamine is the same neurotransmitter involved in other addictive activities, such as alcohol or drug abuse. Video game addiction is not currently recognized as an addictive disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the definitive guide to psychiatric illness.
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