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Is Titan all ice?

Saturn's largest moon, Titan, is an icy world whose surface is completely obscured by a golden hazy atmosphere. Titan is the second largest moon in our solar system. Only Jupiter's moon Ganymede is larger, by just 2 percent. › saturn-moons › titan › in-depth
is an icy moon with a surface of rock-hard water ice
, but Titan also likely has a liquid water ocean beneath its surface.
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How much of Titan is ice?

Titan has a huge ice belt near its equator, and we don't know how it got there. Most of the surface is covered in organic sediment that constantly rains from the sky, but one corridor 6300 kilometres long – about 40 per cent of the frigid moon's circumference – seems to be bare ice.
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Does Titan have any water?

It is the sole other place in the solar system known to have an earthlike cycle of liquids raining from clouds, flowing across its surface, filling lakes and seas, and evaporating back into the sky (akin to Earth's water cycle). Titan is also thought to have a subsurface ocean of water.
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What kind of liquid is on Titan?

These northern hemisphere lakes are the strongest evidence yet that Titan's surface and atmosphere have an active hydrological cycle, though with a condensable liquid other than water. In this cycle, lakes are filled through methane rainfall or intersect with a subsurface layer saturated with liquid methane.
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How much of Titan is liquid?

Since arriving in the Saturn system in 2004, the Cassini spacecraft has revealed that more than 620,000 square miles (1.6 million square kilometers) of Titan's surface -- almost two percent of the total -- are covered in liquid.
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Titan - A Frozen Oasis | The Lesser Worlds

Can we drink water from Titan?

Titan is going to have methane and ethane tainting the ice. And Enceladus and Europa are going to be all kinds of salts and possibly magnesium sulphate, or epsom salts if it's hydrated. So if you drink that water you'll be trotting off to the loo quite soon.
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Is there salt water on Titan?

Researchers found that a relatively high density was required for Titan's subsurface ocean in order to explain the gravity data. This indicates the ocean is probably an extremely salty brine of water mixed with dissolved salts likely composed of sulfur, sodium and potassium.
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Is Titan filled with oil?

› Larger image Saturn's orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes.
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Could humans survive on Titan?

Robert Zubrin has pointed out that Titan possesses an abundance of all the elements necessary to support life, saying "In certain ways, Titan is the most hospitable extraterrestrial world within our solar system for human colonization." The atmosphere contains plentiful nitrogen and methane.
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Is Titan too cold for liquid water to exist?

The surface temperature is around 94 K (-290 degrees Fahrenheit), which is too cold for liquid water to exist. In order for liquid water to exist on Titan, it would have to be thermally insulated underneath a layer of ice.
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Why can't the liquid on Titan be water?

The "water" on Titan is not, however, H2O. With a surface temperature dipping 290 degrees F below zero, Titan is far too cold for liquid water. Instead, researchers believe the fluid that sculpts Titan is an unknown mixture of methane, ethane, and other hard-to-freeze hydrocarbons.
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Does Titan have liquid oxygen?

Titan's atmosphere is much colder, however, having a temperature at the surface of 94 K (−290 °F, −179 °C), and it contains no free oxygen.
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Why is Titan so cold?

Sunlight can trigger exotic chemical reactions high up in Titan's atmosphere, generating short-lived compounds such as ethane, acetylene, hydrogen cyanide and cyanoacetylene. These molecules absorb heat from Titan and radiate it out into outer space in the form of infrared rays, cooling it down.
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How fast would water freeze on Titan?

It's bitterly cold on Titan. At –180 degrees Celsius (–292 degrees F), any water there would freeze instantly.
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What are Titans made of?

Titans are created through the reformation of plasma, surrounding the human catalyst. Their body remains very hot and light, which both incline me to think parts of their body remains in the form of gas rather than liquid or solid.
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Is there any gold on the Moon?

A 2009 NASA mission—in which a rocket slammed into the moon and a second spacecraft studied the blast—revealed that the lunar surface contains an array of compounds, including gold, silver, and mercury, according to PBS.
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Can you fly on Titan?

Titan's atmosphere is thick—four times as dense as Earth's—and the pull of gravity is only one-seventh what it is here. That combination makes it ideal for generating aerodynamic lift, so flying on Titan takes far less power than a comparable flight on Earth.
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Can we land on Titan?

Built and operated by the European Space Agency (ESA), launched by NASA, it was part of the Cassini–Huygens mission and became the first spacecraft to land on Titan and the farthest landing from Earth a spacecraft has ever made.
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Is Titan water ice?

Titan is an icy moon with a surface of rock-hard water ice, but Titan also likely has a liquid water ocean beneath its surface.
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What are the lakes of Titan filled with?

But instead of water raining down from clouds and filling lakes and seas as on Earth, on Titan it's methane and ethane — hydrocarbons that we think of as gases but that behave as liquids in Titan's frigid climate.
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How deep is Titan's ocean?

Far below the gaseous atmospheric shroud on Saturn's largest moon, Titan, lies Kraken Mare, a sea of liquid methane. Cornell astronomers have estimated that sea to be at least 1,000 feet deep near its center – enough room for a potential robotic submarine to explore.
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Is Titan too cold for humans?

It is cold on Titan (surface temperature of about -290 degrees F). And people would need to wear respirators to breathe oxygen, since the atmosphere is mostly nitrogen. The light on Titan is a little dim, like just after a sunset here on Earth, due to the haze particles in the thick atmosphere.
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Are there liquid lakes on Titan?

The lakes are generally not associated with rivers, and are thought to fill up by rainfall and liquids feeding them from underground. Some of the lakes fill and dry out again during the 30-year seasonal cycle on Saturn and Titan.
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Can water evaporate on Titan?

Scientists have known that Titan's hydrologic cycle works similarly to Earth's — with one major difference. Instead of water evaporating from seas, forming clouds and rain, Titan does it all with methane and ethane. We tend to think of these hydrocarbons as a gas on Earth, unless they're pressurized in a tank.
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