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Should a 4 year old attend a funeral?

As a general guideline, children should be allowed to attend a wake, funeral and burial if they want to. They can also be involved in the funeral planning. Joining family members for these rituals gives the child a chance to receive grief support from others and say goodbye in their own way to the person who has died.
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How do I prepare my 4 year old for a funeral?

Prepare them in advance

Discuss what your child will see (pews, religious symbols, flowers, casket, urn, the body of the deceased, black clothing, etc.). You don't have to talk about everything at once – do it in small doses. The point is to put any anxiety to rest and prepare your child for a new experience.
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What age is appropriate for a child to attend a funeral?

By age 7 or so, most children understand the permanence of death. A school-age child is also old enough to attend a funeral, but only if he wants to. Give your child the choice of whether he wants to go or not, without any pressure or coercion to go, Markham advised.
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Should a 4 year old see an open casket?

If your child is around four years old and older, it's important to discuss what an open casket is and to see if they feel comfortable seeing it themselves. If they are not comfortable with seeing an open casket, it's important to be supportive of their decision.
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Should a 4 year old go to grandparents funeral?

Children old enough to know what is happening should generally be given the choice to attend and their decision respected. There is no right or wrong decision on whether children should or should not attend a funeral.
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Should kids attend funerals?

Should I bring my 3 year old to a funeral?

If your child is able to sit still and quiet for longer periods of time, then they're less likely to cause a disturbance at a funeral. If they are very active or difficult to distract when bored, however, you'll probably want to book a sitter. First and foremost, you want to be respectful to the family of the deceased.
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How do you explain a funeral to a 4 year old?

Explain that the child will see that person's body in a big box called a casket. Also tell the children that it will look like he or she is sleeping, but it is not the person we remember, it is just their ”body”—another word that is important to use.
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How do I prepare my toddler for a funeral?

How to prepare your children for a funeral or memorial service
  1. Explain what they should expect. ...
  2. Expect a lot of questions. ...
  3. Validate their feelings. ...
  4. Look for ways to include them. ...
  5. Take extra time with them. ...
  6. Honor your children's wishes. ...
  7. Ensure they have support. ...
  8. Find appropriate attire.
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Can a 4 year old grieve?

Babies, children and teenagers tend to grieve in bursts, and at other times will look for reassurance and comfort in their normal routines and activities. Bereaved children and teenagers will need ongoing attention, reassurance and support.
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Can a 4 year old remember a dead parent?

Very few of us remember things that happened before we were four or five years old. So though he may have one or two vague and fleeting memories from this time period, it is unlikely the bereaved infant or toddler will clearly remember the person who died.
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How do you tell a 4 year old a grandparent has died?

Gently but directly, use the words 'dead' and 'died' within short explanations. Using euphuisms and vague language often creates fear in children. Phrases like “Passed away, gone to sleep, he's with grandma, lost their life” do not explain in concrete terms that their loved one has died.
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How do you tell a 4 year old a loved one has died?

Be calm and caring when you tell your child that someone has died. Use words that are clear and direct. "I have some sad news to tell you. Grandma died today." Pause to give your child a moment to take in your words.
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Can you touch a body at a funeral?

If you have an adult with you at the funeral home, it is ok to touch a dead body, and you will not get in trouble. You are naturally curious, and sometimes when you see and touch a dead body it helps you answer your questions. Remember to be gentle and have an adult help you.
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Is it rude to not look open casket?

You are not required to actually view the body at a funeral viewing. Many people are a bit uncomfortable with the idea of attending a viewing, but keep in mind that funeral viewing etiquette does not require you to actually look at or spend time with the deceased if you are not comfortable doing so.
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What is the etiquette for grandchildren at funerals?

The closest family should sit in the front, with additional close family members behind them, such as cousins or grandchildren. In the case of a blended family where children were close to the deceased, they may choose to sit with their parents or in the row behind them.
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Can kids wear jeans to a funeral?

Avoid dressing in casual clothing, such as athletic wear, tank tops, or shorts. Skip the flip-flops, tennis shoes, sneakers, or boat shoes. Remove the neon necktie, purse, or accessory. Shy away from wearing jeans, even black ones, because they are considered too casual for a funeral.
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Will I regret not going to a funeral?

Many people who choose not to attend a funeral due to their own trepidations oftentimes regret not going, especially if the loss was someone they were close to. What helps make funerals healing experiences is their timeliness.
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Is it disrespectful to not go to a funeral?

Funerals are a way for friends and family to say their goodbyes, reminisce, or grieve, and ultimately find closure. Choosing whether to attend is at the discretion of each individual, family member. Whatever you choose, know that it isn't disrespectful to not go to a funeral for personal reasons.
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What to do with children during funeral?

While something simple such as walking around the building or parking lot can be enough to allow your kids to burn off some energy, you can also take a walk through the funeral home's gardens to look at the flowers.
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How much does a 4 year old understand death?

Children aged 2 to 5 years

They can begin to use the word 'dead' and develop an awareness that this is different to being alive. Children of this age do not understand abstract concepts like 'forever' and cannot grasp that death is permanent.
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Why do 4 year olds talk about death?

It may be unsettling to hear your preschooler talking about death but it's developmentally normal. At this age, they're obsessed with the “whys” of the world. They're trying to make sense of everything in the world around them… including death.
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Do 4 year olds still cry?

Children cry when they're hungry, tired, uncomfortable, in pain, frustrated, angry or upset. Children cry less as they get older. They're more able to use words to express their feelings.
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Do toddlers need to wear black to a funeral?

A common question is, “Does my child need to wear black funeral attire?” The answer is “No.” While children wearing black to a funeral used to be common practice in some areas of the world, in most Western countries it's no longer considered necessary and is not expected.
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What color should a toddler wear to a funeral?

For toddlers, any clothing will do as long as it isn't flashy or distracting. Many toddler clothing has sparkles, bright colors, or silly characters. While this is fine for a regular day out, it's not appropriate for a funeral. When in doubt, choose something neutral or solid colored.
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Is it OK to take toddler to cemetery?

Any age is appropriate if a child is willing to go and doesn't seem fearful or anxious. Dr. Alan Wolfelt, a noted grief counselor, has said, “Anyone old enough to love is old enough to grieve.”
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