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What did Spartans do with weak babies?

Spartans had to prove their fitness even as infants.
If a Spartan baby was judged to be unfit for its future duty as a soldier, it was most likely abandoned on a nearby hillside. Left alone, the child would either die of exposure or be rescued and adopted by strangers.
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What did Athens do with weak babies?

“Fit and strong” babies survived, but those found to be “lowborn or deformed” were left outside to die, Plutarch wrote, “on the grounds that it is neither better for themselves nor for the city to live [their] natural life poorly equipped.”
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What happened to disabled babies in Sparta?

Other children born with disabilities were left in the woods to die, their feet bound together to discourage anyone passing by from adopting them. In the military city of Sparta, the abandonment of "deformed and sickly" infants was a legal requirement.
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How did Spartans test a baby's strength?

When a male child was born in Sparta, he would be bathed in wine to test his strength. The Spartans believed that weak babies would react poorly to the wine and convulse or cry. Those infants which failed the test would either be left to die, or would become a slave.
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What will Spartan soldiers do with newborn babies with healthy bodies?

If the child were stout and healthy, they made orders for his raising and assigned him a share of land, but if he were unfit or lame, they ordered the infant to be exposed and killed. The Spartans bathed their infants in wine rather than water, to test and toughen their bodies.
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Myth: Spartans Threw Infants Off the Cliff

What did the Romans do with unwanted babies?

ROME — In the Middle Ages, new mothers in Rome could abandon their unwanted babies in a "foundling wheel" — a revolving wooden barrel lodged in a wall, often in a convent, that allowed women to deposit their offspring without being seen.
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How did Spartans treat their wives?

As adults, Spartan women were allowed to own and manage property. Additionally, they were typically unencumbered by domestic responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning and making clothing, tasks which were handled by the Helots.
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Did Spartans have a low birth rate?

Decline of Spartiates

First was attrition through the increasingly-frequent wars that Sparta found itself embroiled in from the mid-5th century onward. Since Spartiates were required to marry late, birth rates were low, and it was difficult to replace losses from the class.
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How common was adultery in ancient Greece?

This seems to have been rare in practice, and adulterers were more commonly prosecuted, ransomed for money, or physically abused. The physical abuse and humiliation of adulterers is depicted in several surviving ancient Greek comedies.
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What did Spartan mothers say to their sons?

"Come back with your shield - or on it" (Plutarch, Mor. 241) was supposed to be the parting cry of mothers to their sons. Mothers whose sons died in battle openly rejoiced, mothers whose sons survived hung their heads in shame.
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What did they do to Leonidas body?

Leonidas and the 300 Spartans with him were all killed, along with most of their remaining allies. The Persians found and beheaded Leonidas' corpse–an act that was considered to be a grave insult.
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What did Spartans do for fun?

Granted, Spartan citizens also pursued rugged pastimes such as equestrianism, but their love of poetry and dance belies a contempt of pleasure.
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What did girls do in Sparta?

Bearing and raising children was considered the most important role for women in Spartan society; equal to male warriors in the Spartan army. Spartan women were encouraged to produce many children, preferably male, to increase Sparta's military population. They took pride in having borne and raised brave warriors.
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Did Spartans yeet babies?

The ancient historian Plutarch claimed these “ill-born” Spartan babies were tossed into a chasm at the foot of Mount Taygetus, but most historians now dismiss this as a myth. If a Spartan baby was judged to be unfit for its future duty as a soldier, it was most likely abandoned on a nearby hillside.
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Why were Spartans so feared?

Spartan warriors known for their professionalism were the best and most feared soldiers of Greece in the fifth century B.C. Their formidable military strength and commitment to guard their land helped Sparta dominate Greece in the fifth century.
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How were the girls of Athens treated?

Greek women had virtually no political rights of any kind and were controlled by men at nearly every stage of their lives. The most important duties for a city-dwelling woman were to bear children--preferably male--and to run the household.
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At what age did most girls get married in ancient Greece?

Most young Greek women would be married at about the age of fourteen to a man roughly twice their age. Prior to the marriage ceremony the couple would probably have met only a few times, and while the bride would normally be a virgin, the husband almost certainly was not.
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What was the worst punishment in ancient Greece?

The brazen bull, also known as the bronze bull, Sicilian bull, or bull of Phalaris, was a torture and execution device designed in ancient Greece.
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Was virginity important in ancient Greece?

Virginity prior to marriage was a requirement of the marriage contract, and chastity and modesty after marriage were norms not only expected of, but imposed on respectable Greek females.
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Were there black Spartans?

By the mid-19th century, the Black Spartans numbered between 1,000 and 6,000 women, about a third of the entire Dahomey army. Under King Gezo's rule, female troops lived in his compound and were kept well supplied with tobacco, alcohol and slaves–as many as 50 to each warrior.
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What was life like for girls in Sparta?

Spartan women had more rights and enjoyed greater autonomy than women in any other Greek city-state of the Classical Period (5th-4th centuries BCE). Women could inherit property, own land, make business transactions, and were better educated than women in ancient Greece in general.
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Can female Spartans get pregnant?

According to the halo books, at least female Spartans are sterile, so two Spartan couldn't have a child.
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How were Spartan girls raised?

In Sparta, girls were started their education around the same age as boys (between 6-7 years of age). The education system was concentrated on military preparation and girls had a similar education. They also received physical education, which combined wrestling, gymnastics and combat skills.
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At what age could a Spartan man live with his wife?

Even after men got married, they continued to live in soldiers' barracks, where they ate, slept, and trained with their fellow soldiers. A man couldn't live with his wife and family until he was 30 years old. Spartans were also required to have perfect bodies.
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Did Romans expose babies?

The exposure of infants, very often but by no means always resulting in death, was widespread in many parts of the Roman Empire. This treatment was inflicted on large numbers of children whose physical viability and legitimacy were not in doubt.
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