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What does collect 100 mean in Monopoly?

Collect $100. Pay a $10 fine or take a Chance. Pay school tax of $150. Pay your insurance premium $50. Receive for services $25.
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What does advance to go collect 200 mean?

Monopoly rules, explained

If a player passes GO and lands on either the Community Chest or Chance space in the same turn, drawing the "Advance to GO" card, the player collects a total of $400: $200 for passing initially and another $200 for a second time by the instructions on the card.
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What does inherit 100 mean in Monopoly?

You are assessed for Street Repairs $40/house $115/hotel. Pay the bank for the repairs for each house and hotel owned and record it as Repair and Maintenance Expense. You Inherit $100. Receive $100 from bank and record it as Other Income.
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Do you collect 200 when you go to jail in Monopoly?

When you are sent to Jail you cannot collect your $200 salary in that move since, regardless of where your token is on the board, you must move it directly into Jail. Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail.
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What do chance cards mean in Monopoly?

Chance is 1 of the 2 types of card-drawing spaces in Monopoly. Chance cards are orange and are placed near the Go space. A Chance card is more likely (than a Community Chest card) to move players, often with lethal consequences (especially due to the Advance To Boardwalk card).
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How To Play Monopoly

What is the chance rule in Monopoly?

Players are allowed to "Take a Chance" when they land on a Chance square. They have the option 1) to draw a Chance card, or 2) to do nothing and sit freely on the square. The players are allowed to trade, sell, and negotiate any Chance card.
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Is Monopoly 100% luck?

Monopoly is a game of both luck and skills, as it involves a combination of people skills, some luck, as well as strategy. One cannot win Monopoly purely based on luck as the player has to make wise decisions on how to handle their money and investments after the roll of the dice has made a few decisions for them.
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Can you pay 50 dollars to get out of jail in Monopoly?

If you land in Jail you must exit on your next turn by (1) using a "Get Out of Jail Free" card if you have (or can buy) one; or (2) rolling doubles; or (3) paying $50. Unlike the standard rules, you may try to roll doubles and, failing to do so, pay the $50 on the same turn.
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Is it 50 dollars to get out of jail in Monopoly?

You can get out of jail by rolling a double, using a “Get out of jail free” card or paying a $50 fine. If you pay the fine, end your turn, then roll and move as normal on your next turn. If you fail to roll a double on your third turn in Jail, pay the banker $50 and move that number of spaces immediately.
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Do you pay 10 percent or 200 in Monopoly?

If you land here, you have two options: You may estimate your tax at $200 and pay the Bank, or you may pay 10% of your total worth to the Bank. Your total worth is all your cash on hand, printed prices of mortgaged and unmortgaged properties and cost price of all buildings you own.
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How much is 100 in Monopoly?

Here is the breakdown of how much money each player gets: Two $500s. Two $100s. Two $50s.
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What has the most value in Monopoly?

When playing Monopoly, the conventional wisdom is that the best property to own is Boardwalk because it commands the highest rent. However, savvy players know the most valuable property is actually Illinois Avenue.
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How many 500 dollar bills are in Monopoly?

Here is the breakdown of how much money each player gets: Two $500s. Two $100s. Two $50s.
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What does do not collect $200 mean?

(humorous) A phrase indicating that something must be done directly without delays or deviations. quotations ▼
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Do you get 400 when you land on go in Monopoly?

$400 for landing on GO

In some houses if you land directly on GO, you win $400, doubling the $200 you get for passing GO. I hate to do this to you but if you land directly on the GO square, you're meant to collect $200 just like every other time.
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What happens if you land on free parking in Monopoly?

The "Free Parking" space is just free parking. Nothing happens when you land there under the rules laid out in the rulebook. But like many commonly used Monopoly rules, most of which serve to make the game take longer, people play by their own rules.
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What happens if you don t have enough money to pay rent in Monopoly?

If you owe money and can't pay, try to raise money by selling buildings back to the Bank and/or mortgaging properties. Sell Hotels to the Bank for half the cost, and exchange them immediately for 4 Houses. Sell Houses to the Bank for half the cost. Houses must be sold evenly across the color set.
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Can you stay in jail forever in Monopoly?

A player MAY NOT remain in Jail after his/her third turn (i.e., not longer than having three turns to play after being sent to Jail). Immediately after throwing the dice for his/her third turn, if the player does not roll Doubles, he or she must pay the $50 fine.
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How do you break jail in Monopoly?

Paying a fine of $50 before you roll the dice on either of your next two turns. If you do not throw doubles by your third turn, you must pay the $50 fine. You then get out of Jail and immediately move forward the number of spaces shown by your throw.
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How much can you sell a get out of jail free card for in Monopoly?

Any player can use this to leave jail on their turn. They would have to put the card at the bottom of the stack of cards and roll the dice. Also, if a player gets this card, they may keep it until they use it or they can sell it for whatever the market will bear. This card has a value of $50.
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What is $5 in Monopoly?

$3 - Blue (available in Monopoly Junior) $4 - Green (available in Monopoly Junior) $5 - Pink. $10 - Yellow (classic) or blue (recent editions)
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What are the rare ones in Monopoly?

The list of rare McDonald's monopoly pieces are:
  • Dark blue: Mayfair.
  • Green: Bond Street.
  • Yellow: Coventry Street.
  • Red: Strand.
  • Train stations: Liverpool St Station.
  • Orange: Marlborough Street.
  • Light blue: Euston Road.
  • Pink: Northumberland Avenue.
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What is the secret rule in Monopoly?

According to Twitter user Ruben, when a person lands on a property, utility or train station and decide not to buy it, it actually goes up for auction. He wrote: "When someone lands on a property in #Monopoly & they don't buy it, IT GOES TO AUCTION for any player to buy.
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Are railroads worth it in Monopoly?

Summary. The Railroads are extremely good to own. They are a steady source of cash and can temporarily stop an opponent from building with all 4 of them together.
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