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What happens to the old queen bee?

Alternately, as queen honey bees age, their egg-laying abilities decrease, and they lay their eggs in less organized patterns. When an old queen begins to falter in performing such responsibilities, workers will induce her replacement, or supersedure. The aging queen is killed after the supersedure process.
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What happens to old queen during Supersedure?

In a perfect supersedure the old queen does not die until the new queen in mated and laying and then she just seems to politely fade away. This is the only natural circumstance when two queens will be found in the hive together.
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Does the old queen bee leave with a swarm?

When the queen is ready, she leaves the hive and is followed by about half of the workers in a massive cloud of flying bees. The queen will find a nearby tree, land, and emit pheromones that signal the workers to cluster around her.
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What is the lifespan of a queen bee?

Queens take the shortest time to develop (16 days) and have the longest lifespan. Queens live on average 1–2 years (Page and Peng 2001), although a maximum lifespan of 8 years was reported in one study (Bozina 1961).
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Are old queen bees killed?

When a new queen becomes available, the workers kill the reigning queen by "balling" her, clustering tightly around her. Death through balling is accomplished by surrounding the queen and raising her body temperature, causing her to overheat and die.
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What Happened to Balboa... (When a Queen Gets Old, The Bees Know What to Do)

Do you tell bees that the queen has died?

The tradition holds that bees, as members of the family, should be informed of major life events in the family, especially births and deaths. Beekeepers would knock on each hive, deliver the news and possibly cover the hive with a black cloth during a mourning period.
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Is there a king bee?

There's no such thing as 'king bee' in bees.
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Why do bees reject a queen?

Older worker bees will reject queens that they are not familiar with and tend to view them as a colony invader, even when they have no hope of raising a new queen on their own. This is especially true if the queen is unmated, or not well-mated, with numerous drones from unrelated colonies.
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How do bees decide who is queen?

How do bees choose their next queen? First, the queen lays more eggs. Then, the worker bees choose up to twenty of the fertilized eggs, seemingly at random, to be potential new queens. When these eggs hatch, the workers feed the larvae a special food called royal jelly.
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Are queen bees born or made?

Queens are raised from the same fertilised female eggs as workers bees. A newly hatched female larva is neither queen or worker caste. There are small differences in the composition of royal jelly fed to larvae destined to be a queen or a worker. The variation in diet starts from the time of larvae hatching.
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What does a queen bee do all day?

Egg-laying forever

While in the hive, the queen eats a diet of royal jelly and honey and spends the vast majority of her time laying eggs. A healthy queen will lay around 1000-1500 eggs every day, or roughly 200,000 a year.
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Will a queen bee fly back to the hive?

Egg-laying forever

After a few nuptial flights, the queen returns to the hive and stays inside for the rest of her life – unless the colony gets too big and she leaves with a swarm.
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Will killing the queen prevent swarming?

Cutting of queen cells may delay the release of a swarm, but it doesn't reduce the urge to swarm, so the bees simply build more cells. If you miss one cell in a large and teeming hive, which is easy to do, the swarm will eventually get out the door.
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Does the Queen get woken up?

For most of her reign, the Queen was roused by the sound of bagpipes played beneath her window – at all her residences around the country. The Piper to the Sovereign for decades acted as a personal alarm clock, playing for 15 minutes each morning, as well as on state occasions.
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Can the Queen step down before death?

Can the queen step down? The queen can give up her royal duties in one of three ways: the Regency Act can be invoked; she can abdicate the throne, or she stops being queen when she dies.
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What happens if you introduce a queen to a hive that already has a queen?

Most beekeepers know that a hive with a queen is likely to kill a new queen if she is introduced. Therefore, if the hive has a queen do not just drop in a new replacement.
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What happens if bees reject a queen?

In all seriousness though, if the queen is rejected, she will die. According to School of Bees, workers who see the queen as an invader will form a ball around her and sting her until she is dead.
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Can bees sense their queen?

Even after foraging for hours, they can smell the pheromones of the bees between them and their queen once they are within a few meters of the crowded hive. These pheromones relay messages to create a "global map" that tells them where to go.
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Can bees rebel against their queen?

Suddenly agitated, the bees run around attacking each other, sometimes ripping open egg cells to kill the eggs inside. "Aggression is so pronounced that it can even lead to the death of the queen," she added. Experiments have shown that the presence of a queen enforces sterility among workers.
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What happens if two queen bees meet?

A Royal Deathmatch

A newly hatched queen will sting her unhatched rivals, killing them while they are still in their cells. If two queens hatch at once, they must fight to the death.
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Are bees more aggressive without a queen?

Some of these include: The hive lost their queen — Queen loss is one of the major causes of beehive aggression. The survivability of an entire hive is determined by its queen's health. Therefore, when a hive loses a queen, they can get confused, nervous, and eventually become hostile.
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Why do queen bees fight to the death?

Why were these two queens fighting? It was an act of supercedure - a newly hatched queen bee replacing the older queen by stinging her to death. It is the first and final act in the life cycle of queen bees.
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What's the biggest bee in the world?

The bee, Megachile pluto, also known as Wallace's giant bee, is a massive unit. It is the largest bee in the world, four times larger than a honeybee and measuring about the length of a human thumb. Huge mandibles hang like dastardly garden shears from its head.
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How many bees can a queen have?

Q: How many different bees are there? A: A Honey Bee colonies consist of three different bees (castes); - The queen bee: usually only one per hive is the only female bee to have fully functional ovaries and can lay up to 2000 eggs per day at a rate of 5-6 per minute during a hives build up period, usually in spring.
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