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What has holes but is strong?

Riddle: I'm full of holes but strong as steel.
What am I? Answer: A chain.
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What is strong but full of holes?

7) Riddle: I'm full of holes but strong as steel, what am I? Answer: A chain.
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What holes tied to holes strong as iron?

Riddle. I am nothing but holes tied to holes, yet am strong as iron. Answer: Chain.
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What has 4 holes but still holds water?

The answer is a sponge!
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What has holes on each side?

Riddle. What has holes on each side, but can still can hold water? Answer: Sponge.
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Easy Riddles: What is full of holes but still holds water?

What has 4 legs up and down?

Four legs up, four legs down, soft in the middle, and hard all round. Answer: a bed.
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What can run but can't walk?

Answer: A River!
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What gets wet while drying?

The answers is “A towel”.
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What word begins and ends with an E?

The answer is: envelope.
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What can't talk but reply when spoken to?

What can't talk but will reply when spoken to? Answer: An echo.
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What tests better than it smells?

What tastes better than it smells? Answer: The tongue.
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What seed has 3 letters?

A Pea is a word of three letters, it is appeared as a seed. When we take out last two words from 'Pea', we get 'P'. Here, the pronunciation of 'Pea' and 'P' is quite same. Hence, the answer to this riddle is 'Pea'.
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What has holes but doesn't leak?

Sponge is full of holes but still holds water.
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What are the 3 types of holes?

Hole types in engineering: blind (left), through (middle), interrupted (right).
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What is full of holes but strong as steel?

Riddle: I'm full of holes but strong as steel.

What am I? Answer: A chain.
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What grows up and grows down at the same time?

Q: I grow down as I grow up. What am I? A: A goose. Goose feathers are called down.
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Have keys but no locks?

I have keys but no locks answer

The answer to the social media puzzle is Keyboard. If you read the question carefully, you will notice that the keyboard has keys but no locks. It has space (space bar) but no rooms and you can enter (enter key) but you cannot go outside.
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What has 15 diamonds but isn t rich?

Riddle: What has fifteen diamonds but isn't rich? Answer: A deck of cards.
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What is very easy to lift but hard to throw?

Q: I am easy to lift, but hard to throw. What am I? A: A feather.
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What has many teeth but can't bite?

What has teeth but cannot eat? Comb.
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What has branches but no leaves?

I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I? Library or bank.
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What begins with T ends with T and has T in it?

It's teapot! The word teapot starts with the word 'T' and also ends with the word 'T'. In a teapot it has tea as tea is pronounced as 'T'. The answer is Teapot.
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What has 88 keys?

A standard piano has 88 keys: 52 white and 36 black.
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What has a bed but doesn't sleep?

I have a bed but I never sleep. I have a mouth but I never speak. What am I? Answer: River.
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