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What is 3 plus 2 chess?

It means both white and black players start with 3 minutes of time for the game. For every move they make, 2 second will be added to their time. So, if they take no time at all and make 3 moves each, at the end of the 3 moves, they would each have 3 minutes and 6 seconds on their clocks.
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What is 3 2 chess mode?

The second number is called time increment. For instance 3|2 means both players have 3 minutes on the clock + for each move they get 2 seconds.
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What is 3 plus 1 in chess?

Yes my friend you are 3/1...the 3 is the fixed minutes while the 1 is the 'bonus' added after each move... this is called the FISHER TIME system..... Yes my friend you are 3/1...the 3 is the fixed minutes while the 1 is the 'bonus' added after each move...
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What does +2 mean in chess?

It means you have 2 extra points of material (ie: being up a rook for a knight, or maybe being up a bishop for a pawn). It could also be referring to being up 2 positional points, which I believe would mean your position is better to the point of it being worth 2 points of material.
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What is 5 plus 3 chess?

In a 5 min game, you and your opponent have 5 mins to complete the entire game. Whereas, in a 5+3 game, the +3 acts as an increment of 3 seconds after every move you and your opponent make, from the beginning of the game (that is, move 1).
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How bad is 1500 chess rating?

1500 on is indeed a good rating. Your USCF rating would be in the range of 1300 -1700 depends on how you play in the tournaments.
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Is 5D chess a thing?

A standard game of 5D Chess begins with an ordinary chess setup, starting on White's turn. Along with the x- and y-axes, the game introduces two additional axes of movement: the turn axis, displayed horizontally, and the timeline axis, displayed vertically.
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What does +4 mean in chess?

Chess engines (computer programs) use a standard notation to indicate who is better off (White or Black) in a given position. A positive ("+") number means that White's position is better. A negative ("-") means things look better for Black.
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What does +1.0 mean in chess?

0.0 means a dead even position, +1.0 means white is up the equivalent of a pawn (whatver you take that to mean), -3.0 means black is up the equivalent of a minor piece etc.
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What is -+ in chess?

+ − Decisive advantage for White. White has a winning advantage. − + Decisive advantage for Black.
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What is illegal 1 in chess?

It is illegal to make a move that places or leaves one's king in check. The possible ways to get out of check are: Move the king to a square where it is not in check. Capture the checking piece (possibly with the king). Block the check by placing a piece between the king and the opponent's threatening piece.
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What is 10 minute chess called?

Bullet chess is a variant of blitz chess. According to FIDE, blitz chess is anything that has 10 minutes or less per player.
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What is the 20 40 40 rule in chess?

The 20-40-40 rule in chess is a rule for players rated below 2000 that states 20% of your study should be dedicated to openings, 40% to the middlegame, and 40% to the endgame.
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Why is f3 the worst move in chess?

There are 20 possible first moves in chess and 1. f3 is probably one of the worst choices. Not only this move does not take control of the center, block an important f3 square for the knight, and doesn't allow the development of any pieces but also it seriously weakens the safety of the king.
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Is f3 a bad move in chess?

f3 is a poor move, it is not played often. Nonetheless, it is probably not the rarest opening move. After 1. f3 e5 some players even continue with the nonsensical 2.
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What does 00 mean in chess?

= means pawn promotion. 0-0 means king-side castling. 0-0-0 means queen-side castling.
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Is 1200 an ok chess rating?

1200 – A budding chess player who can understand some basic chess strategies. 1600 – A player among the top scholastic players on a state or national level. 2000 – Expert Level – A milestone hit by a handful of chess players while they are in grade school. 2200 – Minimum rating to be considered a “Chess Master”.
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What is the rule of 50 in chess?

Proper noun. (chess) A rule in professional chess that a player may declare the game to be a draw after 50 consecutive moves by each side without any capture or pawn movement, usually invoked during an inconclusive endgame.
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What does 5 5 mean in chess?

So a time of 5 | 5 means five minutes for the game + 5 seconds of time added to your clock after each move you make. Another example: 18 | 10 represents an 18 minute game, with 10 seconds bonus time per move.
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What does 15 10 mean in chess?

This is a 15-minute game with 10-second increment, meaning that both players start with 15 minutes on the clock, and 10 seconds are added onto that player's clock for every move they play.
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Is chess an IQ based game?

It is obvious that not all possible combinations of quantitative reasoning, fluid reasoning, etc., used in chess are also used in IQ tests; nevertheless, chess does incorporate a significant enough amount of IQ test factors to have a direct connection to IQ.
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How much of chess is IQ?

A person with average IQ is expected to reach a maximum rating of about 2000 in chess. Strong grandmasters with a rating of around and over 2600 are expected to have an IQ of 160 plus. The strongest grandmasters of the day with their ratings hovering around 2800 are expected to have IQs around 180.
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