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What is mindless scrolling?

Mindless scrolling is when someone gets on social media – whether it be Twitter , Instagram or Facebook and starts scrolling through their feeds without even thinking about why they are doing it.
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What mindless scrolling does to your brain?

Mindless scrolling not only wastes time, but also increases our dependency on dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which is released in our brain whenever we feel aroused, motivated, or simply happy. When dopamine levels decrease, we have a natural craving for it.
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How do you break mindless scrolling?

Stop Scrolling: Here's How To Curb Your Phone Addiction
  1. Turn off notifications. For a start, you should turn off push notifications on social media apps. ...
  2. Set daily limits. ...
  3. Nightly wind down. ...
  4. Delete social media apps. ...
  5. Replace with helpful apps. ...
  6. Take time out.
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What are the side effects of mindless scrolling?

Studies have found that mindless social media scrolling is associated with depression in young adults.
Tips to prevent prolonged social media scrolling
  • Set a “cut-off time” before bed in which you put your phone down for good that day.
  • Turn notifications off, at least for stretches of the day.
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Why is scrolling so addictive?

The consensus is that infinite scroll works like a little lever. Users pull it, and they receive a shot of dopamine. Because of how the brain works, that makes it addictive. Endless scrolling can be bad for your mental health, especially when you find yourself constantly scrolling through bad news.
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what mindless scrolling does to you

How does scrolling affect ADHD?

“For individuals with ADHD, the lure of the Internet and social media are especially difficult to resist, thanks in large part to traits like impulsivity, hyperfocus, and time blindness. To avoid wasting time on your phone and/or computer, move with intention – not as a passive observer.”
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Is scrolling OCD?

“A lot of times, you might not even be aware you're doing it. But it becomes such a habit that if you have a down moment, you might pick up your phone and start scrolling without even really being aware of it.” Dr. Albers notes that doomscrolling can also be a function of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
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What is zombie scrolling syndrome?

Zombie Scrolling Syndrome is a term coined by the McAfee security company in 2016 to describe the effects of cell phone addiction. It's defined as “mindless scrolling out of habit, with no real destination or benefit.”
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What is the psychology behind scrolling?

When we scroll through our feeds switching between content so quickly, the brain gets a hit of dopamine each time, creating a sort of neurological 'high. ' It's that rush that keeps you scrolling through the content. It's the same as any addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, or slot machines.
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What is anxiety scrolling?

While searching for positive or upbeat news, you get caught up in a sea of negative stories. You try to stay on top of the news so much that your mind goes into autopilot mode, and you start scrolling out of habit. You feel down, so you spend more time online than usual to try to lift your mood.
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Why do I want to mindlessly scroll?

A research study conducted by Penn State University said that mindless scrolling often happens from the fear of missing out. Personally, I face this very often as a student journalist. My brain is ingrained to always believe I am missing something important, like breaking news.
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What is it called when you can't stop scrolling?

Doomscrolling is a recent term that describes the obsessive urge to scroll through negative news. It's hard to stop doomscrolling even though it can lower your mood and leave you feeling helpless.
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Is Mindless scrolling dissociation?

We determined that participants who described mindless scrolling or becoming completely absorbed in social media use, coupled by a loss of sense of time or self-awareness, were experiencing normative dissociation.
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Is scrolling bad for your mental health?

The news or the information that you are consuming could be good or bad. But the simple act of going through a lot of screen time can lead to negative effects on our mental health and sleep patterns. Studies show that Doomscrolling can lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression.
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Is scrolling on your phone dissociation?

Most social media users experience dissociation

“It captured the experience of being really absorbed and not paying attention to what's around you, or of scrolling on your phone without paying attention to what you're doing.”
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Is scrolling through TikTok bad for you?

That can lead to sleep deprivation, daytime sleepiness, and problems with memory, learning, and mood. It's not just people under 25 who are falling prey to the endlessly stimulating stream of social media posts on TikTok and other sites. So what can you do? Avoid using these apps close to bedtime.
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What two types of scrolling should be avoided?

There are a couple of basic scrolling problems we often see, and that you should be sensitive to. The first is horizontal scrolling, which is typically unnecessary. Unless the interaction is a carousel, a timeline, or an intentionally horizontally structured feature, you should not be seeing a horizontal scrollbar.
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Is scrolling a coping mechanism?

“Doomscrolling is essentially an avoidance technique used to cope with anxiety, so wherever you are vulnerable to anxiety, doomscrolling can become an unhealthy coping mechanism,” says Megan E. Johnson, a licensed clinical psychologist and researcher specializing in trauma and brain-behavior relationships.
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What is passive scrolling?

Passive scrolling is EXACTLY that, scrolling with no purpose. You pick up your phone for 5 mins then BOOM 1 hour later you are left feeling down on yourself. All of us are guilty of picking up our phone and having a good scroll… albeit sometimes when we should be doing something, hello procrastination!
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What is zombie fatigue?

Zombie fatigue, for the uninitiated, can be roughly defined as an extreme tiredness of seeing zombies in any particular medium due to its overabundance. And while this can apply to any entertainment medium, it's always been true in video games.
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What causes zombie rage?

Zombie Rage: The amygdala, the brain's primal emotion center, is where emotions like rage are first registered. Then, typically, the anterior cingulate cortex steps in and dampens the signals from the amygdala. In zombies, Schlozman said, the amygdala appears to have run amok, causing hyperaggression.
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What is the infinite scroll?

Infinite scrolling is a listing-page design approach which loads content continuously as the user scrolls down. It eliminates the need for pagination — breaking content up into multiple pages.
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What is the hardest form of OCD?

Primarily obsessional OCD has been called "one of the most distressing and challenging forms of OCD." People with this form of OCD have "distressing and unwanted thoughts pop into [their] head frequently," and the thoughts "typically center on a fear that you may do something totally uncharacteristic of yourself, ...
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What are three signs of OCD?

Common types of compulsive behaviour in people with OCD include:
  • cleaning and hand washing.
  • checking – such as checking doors are locked or that the gas is off.
  • counting.
  • ordering and arranging.
  • hoarding.
  • asking for reassurance.
  • repeating words in their head.
  • thinking "neutralising" thoughts to counter the obsessive thoughts.
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What is hyperawareness OCD?

Hyperawareness or Sensorimotor OCD is where a significant amount of attention is spent thinking about body functions or sensations. Often these sessions are unconscious but with this type of OCD the brain gets stuck focusing on them.
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