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What is the longest castling in chess?

The king would move from a1 to g1. In a normal game the king always moves 2 squares. Sorry, but that's incorrect. In 960, one of the rules is that the king must start between the rooks
"Originally, the rook symbolized a chariot. The Persian word rokh means chariot, and the corresponding pieces in Oriental chess games such as xiangqi and shogi have names meaning chariot. Persian War Chariots were heavily armoured, carrying a driver and at least one ranged-weapon bearer, such as an archer. › general › why-is-a-castle-called-a-rook
, so b1 to g1 is the longest possible castle.
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What is illegal castling in chess?

1. You cannot castle if the king has already moved, or if the rook in question has moved. 2. Nor can you castle while in check. However, you can castle with a rook that is under attack at the time, and the rook can pass through an attacked square when castling while the king cannot.
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How long has castling been a rule in chess?

Castling originates from the king's leap, a two-square king move added to European chess between the 14th and 15th centuries, and took on its present form in the 17th century; however, local variations in castling rules were common, persisting in Italy until the late 19th century.
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Is long castling better than short castling?

1. Can be made quicker as compared to long castle. While 3 pieces (queen, bishop and knight) need to move so that the path for long castle is clear, only 2 pieces (bishop and knight) need to move in order to clear the path for short castle. Hence, a short castle can be made at least one move quicker.
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Is vertical castling legal?

The queen is not allowed to move like a knight because the rules state that it cannot. Vertical castling is technically possible because there are no rules that state that it isn't, and in the position shown by the op, vertical castling follows all the rules that are applied to normal castling.
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Checkmate With Only a King

Can a castle check a king?

If a piece is attacking your King, you can't escape it by Castling. 4) You cannot Castle THROUGH Check. If a piece is not attacking your King, but it's pointed sniper-style at one of the spaces your King would have to go through for a Castle, then you cannot Castle.
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Is it illegal to move king into check?

It is illegal to move your king into check, so for instance, you can't move your king next to the opponent's king. The goal of the game is to put the opposing king into checkmate, which means he is in check and cannot be saved by any of the ways of escaping check.
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Can you castle on both rooks?

You can castle on the kingside (also known as short castling) or the queenside (also known as long castling), but the king and the rook on the side you want to castle must both be on their starting square, and the squares between them must all be empty.
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Why is castling on the queen side risky?

Also watch for tactics... after queenside castling your rooks are often vulnerable to forks and your a-pawn may be unprotected. On the plus side, enemy bishops and knights are sometimes trappable when they carelessly steal your rook pawn.
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Can you castle if pawns have moved?

If neither the king nor the rook being used has been moved yet during the game, castling is possible. If either piece has been moved, then castling is not allowed, even if the piece is moved back to its original square.
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Can rook jump over king?

The rook moves horizontally or vertically, through any number of unoccupied squares. The rook cannot jump over pieces. The rook may capture an enemy piece by moving to the square on which the enemy piece stands, removing it from play.
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Can a knight prevent castling?

So the answer is yes, a knight can prevent castling, it doesn't matter what the piece is, as long as the square is threatened.
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Can you swap a king and rook?

Castling, otherwise known as the rook and king switch, is one of the more distinguished chess rules, a move that involves the King and the Rook. This is the only situation in which you would move two of your own pieces in the same move. The King and the Rook move towards each other and swap places.
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What is the golden rule of chess?

GOLDEN RULE: A piece is safe only as long as it defended by the same number of pieces that are attacking it. If your opponent attacks one of your pieces, count the number of your pieces that defend it immediately to make sure that it is safe.
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What is the 14 move rule in chess?

A player who makes a draw claim under 14C cannot withdraw it; however, it is still considered a draw offer (14). If a player moves, then claims a draw and presses the clock (5H), or claims a draw, then moves and presses the clock, the move stands, and this is considered an offer of a draw (14).
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Is Queenside castling worse?

It is almost always faster to castle kingside because only two pieces need to be moved out of the way, and those two pieces have very natural squares ( Nf3 , Bb5/c4/e2 ). The kingside pawns are usually left on their starting squares so the king is usually safer on the kingside than it would be on the queenside.
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What is the safest king position?

The safest position for the king is behind an undisturbed line of pawns. Once you have castled, you should keep the pawns in front of your king unmoved for as long as possible.
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Why can't the king castle in check?

Unlike moving, being checked does not remove the ability to castle later. Your king can not pass through check- If any square the king moves over or moves onto would put you in check, you can't castle. You'll have to get rid of that pesky attacking piece first!
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Is castling overrated in chess?

Yes, castling is overrated, but still nevertheless important. In one of my recent games I even moved the queen bishop before castling because there were lines where if it was attacked then queenside castling would be ideal because of the open g-file (this didn't actually happen).
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What is the 20 40 40 rule in chess?

The 20-40-40 rule in chess is a rule for players rated below 2000 that states 20% of your study should be dedicated to openings, 40% to the middlegame, and 40% to the endgame.
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Is it worth sacrificing queen for two rooks?

As a general rule, two rooks are better than one queen. We usually assimilate the queen to nine pawns, while the pair of rooks is worth ten. Let's see now what factors can influence this imbalance: The position of kings.
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Can a rook jump over 2 pieces?

It cannot jump over other pieces. The rook captures on the same path it moves, by occupying the square on which an enemy piece stands. The rook can land on any square on the board, therefore it is one of the more powerful pieces on the board. The rook is also involved in a special move.
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Can you accidentally put yourself in checkmate?

Players cannot make any move that puts their own king in check.
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What pieces can you not checkmate with?

King and rook versus king: The stronger side can checkmate, and while it may take more moves than with a queen, the technique is still quite simple. King and bishop versus king: The stronger side cannot checkmate. King and knight versus king: The stronger side cannot checkmate.
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What happens if you forget to say check in chess?

You don't have to say check. If you don't see the check your king can be captured, and you lose the game. If you move into check your king can be captured, and you lose the game. The player who is behind in points will be declared the winner if the game ends in stalemate.
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