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What moves only horizontally and vertically in chess?

Chess has six types of pieces: the Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen and King. Each piece has its own unique way to move. There are some similarities between the moves of the various pieces. All the pieces except the knight move in a straight line - horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
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Can the rook in chess move horizontally and vertically only?

The rook always has to move in straight lines.

In chess, the rook is only allowed to move in straight lines; either vertically or horizontally. It is not allowed for the rook to combine those two movements into one move, meaning the rook can't move like a knight.
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Which chess piece moves vertically and horizontally but Cannot jump over other pieces?

Q: How does the bishop move in chess

The Bishop cannot jump over pieces and can only capture one piece per turn. Because the Bishop moves diagonally, it may never move to a different color other than the one it starts on. Each player has a light-squared Bishop and a dark-squared Bishop.
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Which piece can only move horizontally and vertically in chess 1 point?

Compared to other chess pieces, the knight's movement is unique: it moves two squares vertically and one square horizontally, or two squares horizontally and one square vertically (with both forming the shape of an "L"). When moving, the knight can jump over pieces to reach its destination.
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What chess piece can move vertically horizontally and diagonally?

The Queen, in the same way as the King, can move in every direction – horizontally, vertically and diagonally.
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10 Chess Traps to Win FAST!!

Can the king only move one square vertical horizontal and diagonal?

Each king starts on a square opposite its own color. A king can move one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally unless the square is already occupied by a friendly piece or the move would place the king in check.
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Can you flip king and rook?

Castling, otherwise known as the rook and king switch, is one of the more distinguished chess rules, a move that involves the King and the Rook. This is the only situation in which you would move two of your own pieces in the same move. The King and the Rook move towards each other and swap places.
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Can the rook move back and forth and sideways but not diagonally?

As mentioned, the rook is the second most powerful piece (behind the queen). The rook can move forward, backward or sideways, but cannot move diagonally (like a queen or a bishop). The rook can move up or down vertically on any file.
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Can a king take a rook diagonally?

That is, it can move one square in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. It cannot move onto a square occupied by a piece of the same color. The king captures another piece in the same way it moves, by landing on the square of the opposing piece.
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Can the rook move diagonal line any number of squares horizontally or vertically?

The rook moves in a straight line, horizontally or vertically. The rook may not jump over other pieces, that is: all squares between the square where the rook starts its move and where the rook ends its move must be empty.
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Which chess piece can only move in a straight line?

Chess has six types of pieces: the Pawn, Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen and King. Each piece has its own unique way to move. There are some similarities between the moves of the various pieces. All the pieces except the knight move in a straight line - horizontally, vertically or diagonally.
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What are the 4 rules of castling in chess?

Castling is permitted provided all of the following conditions are met:
  • Neither the king nor the rook has previously moved.
  • There are no pieces between the king and the rook.
  • The king is not currently in check.
  • The king does not pass through or finish on a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.
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What happens if 2 kings face each other in chess?

In chess, opposition (or direct opposition) is a situation in which two kings are two squares apart on the same rank or file . Since kings cannot move adjacent to each other, each king prevents the other's advance, creating a mutual blockade.
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Can you castle both ways in chess?

Yes the king can castle both sides.
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Can a pawn take a king?

If you're new to chess, you might be curious as to whether a pawn can take a king. The answer is yes—although it takes some extra help and fancy maneuvering around the chessboard to do so.
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Can you castle in check?

Your king can NOT be in check- Though castling often looks like an appealing escape, you can't castle while you are in check! Once you are out of check, then you can castle. Unlike moving, being checked does not remove the ability to castle later.
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Can queen in chess move like a horse?

No, the queen cannot move or jump like a knight.

Knights can jump over other pieces blocking their way, but a queen cannot.
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Can two pawns take a king?

A Pawn can Checkmate the King in Chess. Yes, a pawn can checkmate the king, but it only happens rarely. The odds of a pawn checkmating the enemy king is like 1:1000. In simpler words, there's probably only one game in a thousand chess games where a pawn is checkmating the king.
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Can a king check a king in chess?

Under the standard rules of chess, a player may not make any move that places or leaves their king in check. A player may move the king, capture the threatening piece, or block the check with another piece. A king cannot itself directly check the opposing king, since this would place the first king in check as well.
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Can you have 2 white queens in chess?

Can You Have Two Queens in Chess? Yes, a player can have more than one queen on the board using the rule of promotion. Promotion is a rule whereby you can move your pawn to the last row on the opponent's side and convert it to a more powerful piece such as a rook, bishop, knight or Queen.
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What moves are illegal in chess?

It is illegal to make a move that places or leaves one's king in check. The possible ways to get out of check are: Move the king to a square where it is not in check. Capture the checking piece (possibly with the king).
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Can rook jump over king?

The rook moves horizontally or vertically, through any number of unoccupied squares. The rook cannot jump over pieces. The rook may capture an enemy piece by moving to the square on which the enemy piece stands, removing it from play.
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Is castling illegal if the king is currently in check?

The rules of chess state that castling is illegal when the king or rook has moved earlier, or the king is in check, or it would pass through check to castle.
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What is the most powerful piece in chess?

The queen is known as the most powerful piece on the chess board, so the prospect of sacrificing it invokes an unparalleled excitement among chess enthusiasts. There is something inherently satisfying about giving up the strongest piece on the board in order to checkmate the enemy king.
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Can a knight jump over a pawn?

Knights are the only piece that can jump over other pieces. However, they do not capture any pieces that they jump over. At the start of a chess game, the knights can jump out immediately over his own pawns, like in the diagram above.
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