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What time should an 11 year old go to bed?

6-12 years old: should go to sleep between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. 13-18 years old: should go to sleep around 10:00 pm. Bare in mind that once puberty hits, it will be difficult for teenagers to fall asleep until around 11 pm.
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What is the average time a 11 year old should sleep?

Sleep: what to expect at 5-11 years

At 5-11 years, children need 9-11 hours sleep a night. For example, if your child wakes for school at 7 am and needs approximately 10 hours sleep per night, your child should be in bed before 9 pm.
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What time should an 11 year old go to bed UK?

Bedtime gets a little later when kids start school, and have other activities going on. But they're still quite young. So don't let them stay up too late. Around 9pm-10pm should suit, and allow for 9-10 hours sleep.
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What time should my 12 year old go to bed?

At these ages, with social, school, and family activities, bedtimes gradually become later and later, with most 12-years-olds going to bed at about 9 p.m. There is still a wide range of bedtimes, from 7:30 to 10 p.m., as well as total sleep times, from 9 to 12 hours, although the average is only about 9 hours.
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Is 11 a good bed time for a 14 year old?

For teenagers, Kelley says that, generally speaking, 13- to 16-year-olds should be in bed by 11.30pm.
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Science Explains How Much Sleep You Need Depending on Your Age

Why do teens stay up late?

The body releases the sleep hormone melatonin later at night in teens than in kids and adults. This resets the body's internal sleep clock so that teens fall asleep later at night and wake up later in the morning. Most teens just aren't sleepy enough for bed before 11 p.m.
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What time should a 70 year old go to bed?

According to their internal body clock, most older adults need to go to sleep around 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. and wake up at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. Many people fight their natural inclination to sleep and choose to go to bed several hours later instead.
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Is a 11 year old a tween?

Kids between 8 and 12 are called “tweens” because they are in between children and teenagers. It's very normal for kids this age to start to move from being very close to parents to wanting to be more independent. But they still need a lot of help from their parents. Kids this age go through big physical changes.
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What is bedtime for school age?

Children have a rise in melatonin earlier in the evening compared to teenagers and adults, so the natural time for school-age children to fall asleep is between 7 to 8 pm. It's also essential to develop good sleep hygiene early on because proper sleep is essential for growth, immune function, and behavior.
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Is going to bed at 11 early?

School-age children should go to bed between 8:00 and 9:00 p.m. Teens should try to go to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 p.m. Adults should try to go to sleep between 10:00 and 11:00 p.m.
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Is 7PM too early for bedtime?

so don't be afraid of an earlier bedtime. Find your child's “sleep sweet spot”, then stick to it – for babies younger than 12 weeks, bedtime should be around 9PM to 10PM. Babies older than 12 weeks do best with bedtime around 7PM to 8PM.
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Is 7 hours of sleep ok for a 11 year old?

3 to 5-year-olds need 10.5-11.5 hours. 6 to 7-year-olds need about 10.5 hours. 7 to 13-year-olds need about 10 hours. Even 18-year-olds need about 9 hours of sleep each night.
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How much sleep does a 40 year old need?

Sleep requirements stabilize in early adult life, around the age of 20. Individuals vary in their sleep needs but most adults require between 7 and 9 hours a night to feel properly refreshed and function at their best the next day.
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Is it OK for a 13 year old to get 11 hours of sleep?

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that children aged 6–12 years should regularly sleep 9–12 hours per 24 hours and teenagers aged 13–18 years should sleep 8–10 hours per 24 hours.
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Do kids really need a bedtime?

“Other research has shown benefits for children's behavior, cognitive development and attention,” she added. “Regular bedtime routines, including an early bedtime, also are linked to fewer sleep problems such as nighttime awakenings or difficulty falling asleep.”
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What time should a 30 year old go to bed?

The Best Time to Sleep Is Between 8 p.m. and Midnight

To align our sleep schedules with our body's natural cycles (our circadian rhythms), adults should go to bed when it's dark out, after 8 p.m. We also get deeper, more restorative sleep when our sleep time begins before midnight.
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Should bedtime be later for kids?

Some health experts say it's OK to go to bed a bit later, as long as you make up the time by sleeping later in the morning. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that fifth- and sixth-graders get from 9 to 12 hours of sleep each night.
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Should an 11-year-old have a phone?

Helps Keep Kids Safe

The easiest and best reason to buy a mobile phone for an 11-year-old kid is safety. Kids face many dangers these days, and having a mobile phone can help protect them. Kids should know how to use their phones in case of emergencies while they're out on their own.
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Should an 11-year-old have Tik Tok?

Is TikTok appropriate for kids? TikTok can be a kid-friendly experience if you supervise your kids, use safety settings, and stick to songs you already know. But TikTok's emphasis on popular music means many videos include swearing and sexual lyrics, so it may not be age-appropriate for kids to use on their own.
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Is 11 a difficult age?

Rapidly changing bodies, confusion, excitement, new social situations, and increased reasoning abilities make ages 11 to 14 a thrilling and sometimes challenging time for children and parents. Watching your child gradually mature is an amazing process.
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How much does a 90 year old sleep?

Older adults need about the same amount of sleep as all adults—7 to 9 hours each night. But, older people tend to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier than they did when they were younger.
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Why does my 91 year old mother sleep all the time?

Boredom, depression, chronic pain and/or nutritional deficiencies can be some of the underlying causes that account for excessive daytime sleeping. Medications can also be a problem.
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