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When can pawns move 2 spaces?

The pawn may move two spaces only if the first space is empty. So, the pawn may not jump over the knight.
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Can pawns move 2 spaces?

The first time each pawn is moved it has the option of moving two spaces forward instead of the usual one space. After a pawn moves (either one or two spaces), this option is lost for that piece. Pawns capture only by moving diagonally.
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When can a pawn move 2 squares?

A pawn moves forward one square unless it is that pawn's first move. If it is the pawn's first move, then it can move one or two squares. Please note that if a pawn has already been moved, it can never move two squares again.
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Can all pawns move 2 squares?

Pawns move exactly one square forward; though each Pawn may advance two squares forward the first time it is moved. Pawns capture a piece that is one square diagonally forward. Though Pawns normally cannot move diagonally, this is the only way they capture.
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Why can pawns move 2 spaces?

It was very likely added simply to make the game more interesting. The en passant rule was then added to make it harder to use the two space rule to avoid getting captured.
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The Pawn | How to Move the Chess Pieces

Can you promote a pawn to a second queen?

Players can also promote a pawn to a more powerful piece in play on the board, so it's possible to have a second queen or more (up to nine queens). Once pawn promotion takes place, the opposing player must move unless they are in checkmate.
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What is it called when a pawn moves two spaces?

“A pawn attacking a square crossed by an opponent's pawn which has advanced two squares in one move from its original square may capture this opponent's pawn as though the latter had been moved only one square. This capture is only legal on the move following this advance and is called an 'en passant' capture.”
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Can all pawns move 2 on first move?

Yes, each pawn can move two steps on its first move only. After that, it can only move forward one space at a time.
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Are doubled pawns ever good?

In most cases, doubled pawns are considered a weakness due to their inability to defend each other. This inability, in turn, makes it more difficult to achieve a breakthrough which could create a passed pawn (often a deciding factor in endgames).
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When can a pawn take a piece next to it?

Pawns can usually capture only pieces that are directly and diagonally in front of them on an adjacent file. It moves to the captured piece's square and replaces it.
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What are the rules for pawn changing?

In chess, promotion is the replacement of a pawn with a new piece when the pawn is moved to its last rank . The player replaces the pawn immediately with a queen, rook, bishop, or knight of the same color . The new piece does not have to be a previously captured piece.
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What is the 50 move pawn rule?

The fifty-move rule in chess states that a player can claim a draw if no capture has been made and no pawn has been moved in the last fifty moves (for this purpose a "move" consists of a player completing a turn followed by the opponent completing a turn).
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Can two pawns take a king?

A Pawn can Checkmate the King in Chess. Yes, a pawn can checkmate the king, but it only happens rarely. The odds of a pawn checkmating the enemy king is like 1:1000. In simpler words, there's probably only one game in a thousand chess games where a pawn is checkmating the king.
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Can 2 pawns beat a rook?

The side with the pawn can cut off the opposing king or strive for the Lucena position, which is a win. The defender can aim for the Philidor position (which is a draw) or try to set up one of the other defensive techniques that draw. A rook and two pawns usually win against a rook, but there are plenty of exceptions.
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Is a knight worth two pawns?

The queen and rook are called major pieces and the bishop and knight minor pieces. So a knight is worth three pawns.
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What is the rarest move in chess?

Underpromoting to a bishop must be the rarest move in chess. We can easily think of some famous examples of rook promotions (such as the brilliant Saavedra study), and by comparison knight underpromotions happen every day - just think of this opening trap in the Albin Countergambit.
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Is en passant still legal?

En passant (French for 'in passing') is a special chess rule that gives pawns the option to capture a pawn which has just passed it. Here's an example: Black has just moved his pawn forward two spaces, and landed alongside the white pawn.
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Is en passant rare?

En passant as a relevant part of calculation occurs in about 60% of games, but actual en passant capture opportunities are much rarer (say 15% of games) and usually the strongest move is to make the e.p. capture (roughly at least 85% of the time), because e.p. capture will not still be available in the same manner ...
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Which is the only piece on a chess board that Cannot check a king?

Answer: According to the question, the KING cannot check the king.
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Can you queen twice in chess?

Yes, it is perfectly legal to have multiple queens. One can either borrow a Queen from another set or turn a Rook upside down. I've also heard of players using two criss-crossed pawns, lying down to represent a Queen, but have never seen it done outside of a scholastic game or two.
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Can you bring queen back with a pawn?

What happens when a pawn gets to the other side of the board? Despite what a lot of beginners say, you do not “get your queen back”. While 99% of the time a player will promote to a queen, he could also transform his pawn into a rook, bishop or knight.
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What is the 20 40 40 rule in chess?

The 20-40-40 rule in chess is a rule for players rated below 2000 that states 20% of your study should be dedicated to openings, 40% to the middlegame, and 40% to the endgame.
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What is a blunder in chess?

In chess, a blunder is a critically bad move or other poor decision, severely worsening the player's position by allowing a loss of material, checkmate, or anything similar.
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Can a knight jump over a pawn?

The knight is the only piece in the game of chess that can “jump over” other pieces, regardless of whether those pieces are black or white.
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