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Which lane can carry the hardest?

Mid. One of the two primary carry roles in League of Legends, mid is the position that, other than jungle, can have the most impact on the rest of the map by roaming.
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What lane can carry the hardest in league?

Jungle. The Jungle is the hardest role in League of Legends and everybody can agree that they have the most responsibilities and the most consequences for their actions.
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What is the most impactful lane in league?

The mid lane is often regarded as the most important role in League of Legends. It is the heart of the team and the fastest way to the enemy base. The mid lane controls the pace of the game and depending on which champion you choose to play, the flow of the game will either be quick or slow.
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What is the easiest lane in league?

Top is the easiest to learn the basics of but it's among the hardest to play properly. It's much harder coming back from a single misplay in top lane and until you reach a certain skill level, your jungler won't understand how to help you.
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What is the hardest lane in league reddit?

As for hardest lane the majority says that the bot lane is the hardest since you have to position yourself around 2 people and if you or your support has a bad game it throws the whole game off. A couple people says mid is the hardest because if you lose mid it puts your team at a bigger disadvantage.
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Why is top lane so difficult?

For Top Lane, it is more difficult, as due to your location, you cannot create such an impact as easily. This results in the Top Lane matchup being far less Jungle dependent than Mid, although you should still be aware that Junglers will often come Top if their lane is losing, or to punish an overextend.
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Why is top lane hardest lane?

The Top Lane requires players to understand a head-to-head playstyle. It will bring to light all of your individual skills, your ability to fight 1v1, and everything you've learned about the game. The Top Lane is a skill test for each player in the game and is excellent for learning solo play.
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Which lane is best to carry?

The faster you're getting your levels and items, the more you're going to carry. This means that, traditionally, both top lane and mid lane are going to be the easiest to carry in, all else being equal.
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Is mid lane hard to play?

The mid lane is one of the hardest lanes to learn in League of Legends. Players who master this role have played tons of tons of games on a variety of champions to understand the basics of the role. One way the best of the best were able to master the mid lane was by starting off slow and playing easier champions.
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What is the least played lane?

Currently, the least played roll is jungle, and others have answered why jungle is the least played. I'll take a different path and answer your question. What's the best way to show your support for a player or team you don't like?
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Which lane has most impact?

Top Lane

The simple fact of the matter is that top lane gets left alone for a good reason: the champions played in the role can operate without a lot of resources.
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What is the best top lane for beginners League?

  1. Garen. Garen is one of the easiest top lane champions in the game. ...
  2. Dr Mundo. Dr Mundo is a pretty easy champion to learn because he is a tank champion. ...
  3. Nasus. Nasus just presses Q. ...
  4. Teemo. Teemo is the only ranged champion on our list. ...
  5. Tryndamere. Tryndamere has a dash, a heal and can prevent death with his Ultimate.
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Which lane moves the fastest?

Freeways are designed so that the leftmost lane is supposed to be the fastest moving lane. But in heavy traffic, the fastest lane is the right-most one. This holds true with few exceptions.
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What lane goes the fastest?

If you can choose among three lanes on your side of the road, pick the middle lane for the smoothest driving. Use the left lane to go faster, pass, or turn left. Use the right lane to drive slowly, enter, or turn off the road.
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Which side is stronger in league?

"Strong side" is a phrase used by casters to refer to the side of the map that the jungler ganks or spends most of his time on. Although this can technically refer to bottom or top lane, it is most often applied to bottom. Its opposite is the weak side.
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Is Top Lane beginner friendly?

Beginner top laners should instead focus on playing and learning the champions they enjoy, and as long as they are laning against players of their own skill, the matchup shouldn't matter too much. Early attempts at counter-picking will likely result in top laners playing difficult champions they are unfamiliar with.
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How do you play mid lane like a pro?

Dictating the flow of the game, being in the right place at the right time and assisting your allies are a few ways you can become a better Mid Laner. Mid Lane is one of the more impactful roles in the game, so you need to try and make plays elsewhere around the map and help your allies to get ahead.
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Is top lane harder than mid lane?

If you're going completely solo, the simplest role is probably top lane, because they are the most isolated from team plays out of all the roles. If you have a duo, mid/jungle is the easiest combo to play because mid/jungle roams have the biggest potential to swing the momentum of a match.
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What is the safest lane?

Generally, the safest lane is the one nearest the shoulder of the road. Driving in the slowest lane reduces the risk of being struck in a head-on crash by oncoming traffic.
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Which lane is the safest lane?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Crashworthiness Data System, the safest lane seems to be the left lane with the fewest crashes.
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What is the best location to carry?

If you'd like to carry your defensive gun concealed, here are the four best choices for how to do it.
  • Inside the Waistband (IWB) Inside the waistband is likely the most popular way to carry a gun. ...
  • Outside the Waistband (OWB) ...
  • Appendix.
  • Small of Back (SOB)
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Is support an easy role?

The Support role is known as the easiest role to play in League of Legends.
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How do you dominate top lane?

Top Lane Strategy Tip 1: Be Patient

Be patient, and plan out your aggressive plays — don't go ham just because you think your opponent is bad, otherwise you are setting yourself up to be punished. If you are playing a tank, your time to shine is teleport plays and team fights. Fighters are waiting on item power spikes.
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