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Which MBTI is best for poker players?

ISTJs usually play poker, and can indeed excel at it — ISTJs may struggle to express emotion or affection externally, a good trait for poker face — while they often consider other games too volatile for their taste.
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What personality type is the best at poker?

That's the conclusion of a newly published study that examines the personality types of successful poker players. Confirming the cliché, it finds such people tend to be cool, calm, and difficult to rattle.
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Which MBTI is poker face?


They tend to have a “poker face” because they often hide stress and emotional responses in favor of analyzing things logically.
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Which MBTI is best at gambling?

ENTP – The Debater

Out of the four Analyst personalities, the ENTP is the one that is most likely to enjoy gambling. They are more concerned with understanding as opposed to logic, so they can take more pleasure in risks than the other Analysts.
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Which MBTI likes games?

The Consul - ESFJ: “A person with the extraverted, observant, feeling, and judging personality traits.” People in this category are most likely to be the “social gamers.” Since these are the popular, social types of people, they like to play games for light fun and usually in a group.
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Poker Playing Styles | Strategy Review (With Subtitles)

Which MBTI is most thrill seeking?

ESTPs are the adventurous thrill-seekers of the 16-type system - the type most likely to chase tornadoes for fun. Sensation-loving by nature, everything they do tends to be impulsive and excitable, especially if it scratches an itch they're having in the present moment and they can make things up as they go along.
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Which MBTI loves the hardest?

Expressive, nurturing, and supportive, ENFJs love hard because it's the only way they know how. If there's one word that accurately captures an ESFJ's relationship strength, it's dedication.
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Which MBTI likes money the most?

Commanders (ENTJ)

They make money the foundation of many life decisions, including educational and career choices. They are the personality type most likely to equate money with influence. They reach beyond needs and extend their interest in money to attaining their wants and desires.
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Which MBTI is the most money driven?

Out of the 16 personality types, those with the ENTJ (someone who aligns with Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, Judging) personality type on average earn the most money. ENTJs are natural born leaders. They are very career-focused, and fit into the business world quite naturally.
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What is the most confident MBTI ranked?

ENTJ. People who are extroverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging are among the most confident, according to Coulston. "ENTJs are highly confident and have excellent leadership skills as their dominant extroverted thinking traits make them effectiveness oriented," she says.
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Which MBTI mirrors people?

The personality types most likely to practice mirroring on a regular basis are those that possess an Extraverted Feeling (Fe) function. This includes ENFJs and ESFJs, for whom the Fe function is dominant, and INFJs and ISFJs, who have an auxiliary Fe function.
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Which MBTI is respectful?

1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.
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Which MBTI is most hands on?

ISTJs tend to learn best through experience, hands-on practice, and repetition. They like a highly structured learning environment and can absorb information better when they have a steady, consistent routine.
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What is a very good poker face?

Having a good poker face means having a relaxed, neutral expression. Keep eye contact with others at the poker table, but try to blink naturally and act as you usually would.
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Is poker more skill or luck?

Like all gambling games, luck does play a major role in poker, especially in the short term. Poker is different than any other form of gambling, however. Unlike the other games on a casino floor, poker is a game of skill, and the world's top pros make money because they're the best players in the game.
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Are introverts good at poker?

Poker requires a combination of skills and luck. While some might believe that certain personality traits make one better suited to the game, the truth is that both introverts and extroverts have the potential to make successful poker players.
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What MBTI type is Elon Musk?

As an INTJ, Elon tends to be confident, analytical, and ambitious. Elon is likely an independent thinker focused on solving the world's problems.
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Which MBTI is late bloomer?

Other late-blooming types include ESTP, INTJ, and INTP, who all tend to earn their highest incomes in their fifties.
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Which MBTI is the most hardworking?

ISTJs are known for being hardworking, diligent and dutiful. But what they're less known for is their keen intellectual streak. These types take care to research the topics that interest them incredibly thoroughly.
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Which MBTI trust people easily?

"While the INTJ personality type is known for being highly intelligent, they also score high on trustworthiness, probably because they are self-aware enough to recognize the importance of trust in human relationships," Parmar explains.
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Which MBTI is a hopeless romantic?

Idealists to the core, INFJs are the ultimate hopeless romantics. These personalities care deeply about people and generally look to form meaningful connections with others and find kindred spirits in whom they can confide.
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Which MBTI gets upset easily?

According to the MBTI® Manual, ISFPs were the type most likely to get upset or angry and show it, as well as the type most likely to get upset or angry and not show it.
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Which MBTI has the most anxiety?

What personality types are more prone to anxiety? so, INFJ-T would be the type most prone to anxiety.
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Which MBTI is sharp?

ENTP (The Debater personality type) in the workplace. An ENTP is a sharp, honest, and independent individual.
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