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Why are baby feet so cute?

Surely one of the cutest parts of newborn babies is their feet. They are like little blobs, soft and squishy and yearning to be covered in kisses. Part of the reason they are so cute is that when they are born these little blobs are made up of a mass of cartilage rather than fully formed bones.
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Why do people love baby toes?

Well actually there's science behind why we get this urge. It's that innocent baby smell that triggers the response which has been likened to how hungry people feel when presented with a delicious meal.
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Why do I love my babies feet so much?

They are cute, compact, and unlike adult feet, adorable. Baby feet are also just right for tickling, and playing little games, such as footsie (using your hand to the baby's foot, of course) and “This little piggy.”
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Why do moms like the smell of their babies feet?

Scientists have recently learned that in new mothers, the body odour of newborns activates the centres of the brain that perceive rewards and pleasure—and makes those moms hungry for more.
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Do babies like having their feet touched?

Babies also enjoy touching their feet together, sometimes bracing them on each other.
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Foot Fact Friday ‘why are babies feet so cute?’

Why shouldn't you tickle baby's feet?

First things first, tickling a helpless baby, who cannot really let you know whether he/she likes it or not, is plain cruelty. This is because toddlers can barely communicate and even if they do not like being tickled at all, they won't be able to tell.
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Why don't you tickle babies feet?

In newborn babies (especially in its first months of life), it must be taken into account that this part of the body, especially the soles of the feet, are more sensitive than the rest, and therefore tickle intense o repeated can cause discomfort and discomfort.
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How far can a baby smell their mother?

Babytalk | A baby's bond with its mother may start with the sense of smell. One of my favorite things to do is show mothers how their baby can smell them from as far away as 1 to 2 feet.
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Why does my wife smell different after baby?

Smelling stronger or differently and sweating more postpartum is normal. It's often due to hormonal disruptions and the shedding of the amniotic fluid, blood, and tissue that developed in your womb over nine months of pregnancy.
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Can babies smell their dad?

Dr. Natasha Burgert, a pediatrician practicing in Kansas City, tells Romper that babies can recognize their dad's scent by the third day of life and will be able to tell the difference between different caregivers based on scent, especially if dads participate in hands-on bonding activities and caregiving.
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Why do babies like their feet being kissed?

Their hands aren't very coordinated yet, but they're eager to learn more about the objects around them. So, babies explore things by putting them in their mouths—including their own feet, once they've found them. Besides promoting body awareness, toe-sucking is satisfying and soothing to your little one.
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Are my babies feet turned in?

What Are the Signs of In-Toeing? Kids with in-toeing walk or run with one or both feet turned in. Parents might notice an awkward style of walking or running or that the bottoms of the child's shoes don't wear evenly. In-toeing usually isn't painful, but it can cause a child to trip and fall sometimes.
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Do babies like their feet massaged?

It is non-intrusive and can be very soothing for baby, particularly if they are feeling under the weather. Massaging the feet can bring many benefits as they have reflex points that correspond to specific organs, muscles, bones and body systems.
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Why do boys look at girls toes?

Some research says that the smell of feet can be arousing to some men. This can act like natural pheromones. According to one theory, the natural curves of a woman's feet can make them sexually arousing to men.
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Can you kiss baby feet?

If you're a healthy relative, “in general, the safest place to kiss a baby is on her feet,” she says. Anyone who's sick should simply stay away from an infant, she says. Have your family practice other healthy habits that help keep germs from spreading, too.
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Why do I feel like biting my baby?

A similar neural effect was reported in an earlier study where women viewed images of babies. This research suggests that, to some degree, our brains respond in a parallel way when perceiving cuteness and seeking food, and perhaps our psychological experience of wanting to bite arises from that physiological overlap.
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What does giving birth smell like?

Lochia is vaginal discharge that occurs in the days to weeks after giving birth. Also known as postpartum bleeding, it contains blood, mucus, pregnancy tissue, and amniotic fluid. Lochia may smell similar to a menstrual period and have a stale, musty, or metallic odor.
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How soon after birth can you shower?

You may shower, bathe or wash your hair at any time after the birth of your baby. During your first six weeks, avoid strenuous work. You may choose to limit visits with family and friends during the first two weeks, as it may cause undue fatigue for you and could also be detrimental to your baby's health.
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How long does postpartum body last?

Your postpartum recovery won't be just a few days. Fully recovering from pregnancy and childbirth can take months. While many women feel mostly recovered by 6-8 weeks, it may take longer than this to feel like yourself again.
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Can newborns sense their father?

When do babies recognize their father or mother? Babies can recognize their parents pretty early actually – as young as 4 days old. By making eye contact with your baby during feeding times, cuddle sessions and throughout the day, you're helping your child memorize your face and learn to trust you.
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At what age do babies miss their parents?

About Separation Anxiety

Between 4–7 months of age, babies develop a sense of "object permanence." They're realizing that things and people exist even when they're out of sight. Babies learn that when they can't see their caregiver, that means they've gone away.
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Why do babies sleep better on mom?

Their research also argues that why your baby sleeps better next to you has a lot to do with the comforting touch of a parent. "A lot of mutual touch and interaction occurs between the sleep-sharers. What one does affects the nighttime behavior of the other," the website noted.
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What does my baby feel when I laugh?

Even when the baby is in the womb, it starts to recognize the mother's mood, voice, laughter, etc. The baby also learns to distinctly recognize mother's laughter and your laughing and being joyful promotes a sense of calmness in the baby.
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Who determines the skin color of a baby?

The pigment, melanin, passed on to your baby by you, determines skin tone. In the same way she inherits your hair colour, the amount and type of melanin passed on to your baby is determined by a number of genes (approximately six), with one copy of each inherited from her father and one from her mother.
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Is it bad to make baby laugh?

Growing a Sense of Humour

As such, it's important that babies and young children are given every opportunity to enjoy laughter and, while doing so, have fun with those around them. Laughing also is also closely linked to happiness, and being happy is, of course, priceless.
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