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Why are my dwellers at 75 happiness?

Or does it just stay down permanently? happiness doesn't go above 75% automatically, so if it hasn't decreased anymore, then you just need to bring it back up by successful rushes or babiez. New dwellers also only start at 50%, which does NOT go up automatically.
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How do you get a dweller to 100% happiness?

How to increase Dweller happiness. Dweller happiness is predominantly governed by where you set them to work. Assigning a Dweller to the right room will increase their happiness over time - stick a Dweller with high Strength in the Power Generator room and they'll be chirpy as anything before you know it.
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Why is my happiness stuck at 50 Fallout Shelter?

Their Happiness levels are stuck at 50 until they grow up and become adults. Having too many wandering around at the Vault at once drags down your overall Happiness number, so plan those pregnancies carefully.
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Why are my vault dwellers unhappy?

A lack of food, water, or power will bring down their mood. Assign them to the correct job. Dwellers are happier in rooms which correspond to their highest SPECIAL stat. A successful rush raises happiness for everyone assigned to that room by 10%, but failing one does the exact opposite.
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What makes dwellers happy in Fallout Shelter?

Radio Broadcasts - Assigning Dwellers to work in the radio studio will provides a happiness boost. Each 10 Charisma points in a radio room increases happiness for every dweller by 1%.
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Fallout Shelter Happiness Guide: Vault Log #7

Do the parents matter in Fallout Shelter?

The SPECIAL and the level of the parents will influence the children's starting SPECIAL's. This child was born by regular parents no stat above 6 and level under 30: This child "Natasha Galor" was born by level 50 parents with all SPECIAL at 10, the mother Sarah Lyons a Legendary Dweller and the father Anelor Galor.
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What happens at 0% happiness Fallout Shelter?

Fallout Shelter

They commit suicide by throwing themselves under a Deathclaw? not much. Even if you get your entire vault down to 0 happiness, you still get 20 caps a day, and a lunchbox after the whole week.
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Should I put dwellers at the vault door?

It's a good idea to have Dwellers on stand-by to guard the Vault Door in preperation for when happens. When you assign Dwellers to the Vault Door as guards, make sure you equip them with high quality Weapons and Outfits to repel any intruders. These Dwellers will be your first line of defense.
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Do vault dwellers get old?

Same answer here: No, without the exception of: they can die in a fight.
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How long does it take to 100% Fallout Shelter?

When focusing on the main objectives, Fallout Shelter is about 16½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 89½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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How do you get happiness above 80 in Fallout 4?

Each need (food, water, beds, and defense) accounts for 20 happiness. Meeting the needs of a settlement's population will allow a maximum of 80 happiness. Increasing happiness further requires stores that increase happiness, as well as pets. The maximum possible happiness is 100.
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What's the highest level a dweller can get?

A couple of max level (50) dwellers with max stats (10) can produce legendary children starting with 40 randomly assigned SPECIAL points.
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Where do dwellers with high luck go?

Luck: Lucky dwellers can fit just about anywhere, since rushing production is more likely to succeed with them around. They're also more likely to find rare objects in the wasteland if you send them out for a spell.
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What is the maximum dweller in Fallout Shelter?

The vault can have a maximum of 200 dwellers living in it.
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Is it better to merge rooms in Fallout Shelter?

Building two or three of the same type of room next to each other will merge them into a bigger version of the room. Rooms must be the same level in order to be merged together. Merged rooms can hold more Dwellers within them so they can produce more resources for your Vault.
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Why do Deathclaws keep attacking my vault in Fallout Shelter?

According to in-game information, Deathclaws are more likely to attack the vault if the vault doors are opened, immediately after sending dwellers to the wasteland or on quests and if there is a radio station broadcasting out to the wasteland. [3] Deathclaws will begin to attack when the vault has 60+ dwellers.
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Is there an end to Fallout Shelter?

But first, a rebuttal to comments like "Don't waste your time unless you literally have nothing else to do except play this game." It's true that Fallout Shelter has no definitive endgame.
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Does luck help in Fallout Shelter?

Luck also affects the chance of rush attempts succeeding. In the wasteland, it increases the chances of finding items when dwellers go out on quests and explore locations in the wasteland. The higher the Luck, the better the items. During quest combat, it increases the speed at which the critical hit meter fills.
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Can pregnant dwellers work?

Although pregnant dwellers can still work, you'll need to assign 1-2 male dwellers to work with them. Since the game won't allow you to equip them with weapons/arms to defend themselves, they'll be at a disadvantage when your vault gets attacked.
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What is the most important thing in Fallout Shelter?

Endurance is the most important stat for survival, but any other high SPECIAL seems to help. Higher-level characters also tend to stay alive for longer. Load them up with Stimpaks and RadAways to help them stay alive as long as possible, but periodically check in to make sure they aren't near death.
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Can you breed a father and a daughter in Fallout Shelter?

Dwellers sharing a parent cannot mate, nor can they mate their own parent or grandparent. One will see the "Hanging out with the family" message when they meet in the living quarters. Uncles, cousins and nieces can mate, as can aunts and nephews.
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Is there inbreeding in Fallout Shelter?

You can't mate parents to their children. You CAN mate grandparents to grandchildren, aunts/uncles to nieces/nephews, cousins to cousins, etc. In other words, the game won't let you mate first-degree relatives, but everything else is fair game. Source: experimentation.
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Can father and daughter have kids Fallout Shelter?

Officially, a character cannot have babies with a direct descendent or ancestor of two generations (child, parent, or grand-child, grand-parent), nor with a full or half-sibling. The game is supposed to automatically give children the last name of their opposite sexed parent, but that doesn't always seem to happen.
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