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Why can t you put legendary in Gym?

While Legendary Pokémon will help them take on the toughest Raid Bosses and Gym Battles, they're not willing to leave their Trainer's side, so they can't be left to defend Gyms.
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Why can't i put latios in a gym?

Legendaries of that caliber are rightfully banned from being put into gyms due to their sheer power, especially for newer players who wouldn't stand a chance against a 3000+ CP Mewtwo (or something on that level) in a gym.
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Why can't you transfer legendaries?

Note: To transfer multiple Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, you will first need to enable this option in your app settings. You're unable to transfer multiple Shiny Pokémon, Lucky Pokémon, or Buddy Pokémon with whom you've reached Good Buddy status or above at a time.
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Why can't i put my best Pokémon in a gym?

The main reasons you won't be able to leave a Pokémon are that they are a Legendary/Mythical, Not fully healed, the Pokémon is already defending a gym, or there is already a Pokémon of the same type in the gym.
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Why can you put Melmetal in gyms?

Much like Steelix, Melmetal excels in its defensive capabilities by being an only steel-type Pokemon. Despite being only steel-type, Melmetal also uses electric moves and is the only legendary Pokemon that can be left in gyms to defend them.
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Why can't mythical Pokemon be at Gyms?

While Legendary Pokémon will help them take on the toughest Raid Bosses and Gym Battles, they're not willing to leave their Trainer's side, so they can't be left to defend Gyms.
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How to get more than 50 PokéCoins a day?

Once you've reached the daily limit of 50 PokéCoins, you won't be able to earn any more PokéCoins until the next day. If you have more than one Pokémon return from Gyms in a single day, the maximum bonus for the day is still limited to 50 PokéCoins.
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What is the hardest gym Pokemon go?

Hardest gym to take down?
  • Kingdra 2000 CP with WG/Blizzard. Scizor 2500 CP with BP/NS. Vaporeon 3000 CP with WG/AT. ...
  • Blissey 3000 CP with ZH/DG. Hypno 1750 CP with Confusion/FB. ...
  • Blissey 3000 CP with ZH/DG. Dragonite 3200 CP with DT/DC. ...
  • Flareon 2400 CP with FS/Flamethrower. Venusaur 2000 CP with RL/SlB.
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Do Pokémon get weaker in gyms?

Trainers from opposing teams battle to reduce the motivation of the Pokémon on the Gym. Pokémon gradually lose motivation over time and by losing battles against opposing team members. As a Pokémon loses motivation, its CP will temporarily decrease, making it weaker in battle.
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Why can't I put Meloetta in a gym?

You can't put pokémon to defend a gym if: The pokémon isn't fully healed or revived. The pokémon is currently guarding another gym. The pokémon is legendary.
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Why can't we trade Darkrai?

Darkrai isn't trade-able because he's a "Mythical" Pokemon; however, he was Mythical only starting Gen 5. When he was first introduced in Gen 4 (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), he was Legendary. Even though he changed from "Legendary" to "Mythical" from Gen 5 and onward, you were still able to obtain him via trade.
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What is special about shiny Pokémon?

A Shiny Pokémon is an incredibly rare version of a normal Pokémon with a special coloration. For example, a Shiny Gyarados is a deep red as oppose to its traditional blue colour. The different colours aren't always so pronounced though, and sometimes the differences can be as small as different eye colours.
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Why can't i trade zapdos?

Special Trades are reserved for Legendary Pokemon like Articuno or Zapdos, and Shiny Pokemon. You can't trade Mythical Pokemon at all in Pokemon Go. They have to be earned I'm afraid.
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What Pokémon can you not put in gyms?

You can't place duplicate Pokemon in a gym so there won't be all Mewtwos. They could even limit it to 1 Legendary can be placed per gym. But even if there were 6 different Legendaries in a gym they will still be easy to take down with the current gym meta.
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Why was Pokémon gym removed?

We will remove PokéStops or Gyms from Pokémon GO for a very specific and limited set of reasons: There's no longer safe pedestrian access to the location. The PokéStop or Gym obstructs or interferes with Emergency Services' ability to perform normal operations.
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Can you get deoxys in a gym?

Every Wednesday from 6 PM to 7 PM local time, the majority of Gyms host five-star raids for Trainers to challenge. All four formes of Deoxys will be fighting each other for the spotlight, but there should be enough raids happening during this time to find the formes you need the most.
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How many coins do you get for defending a gym for 2 days?

Additionally, if your Pokémon has been in a Gym for several days, they will only provide 50 coins in total when they come back to you. This also means that, if other Pokémon come back to you on that same day, you won't receive any more Coins - as you've already hit the cap for that day.
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Has anyone caught all the Pokémon in Pokemon Go?

Nick Johnson is the first person to announce he has collected every Pokémon in the popular mobile game Pokémon Go. That is, all 142 virtual monsters that users have confirmed seeing in the wild of North America. So now what?
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Can a Pokémon stay in a gym forever?

A Pokemon will stay in a gym until its “motivation" hits “0” - or until it is knocked out by a trainer of a different team. If you find an unpopular gym (with no nearby trainers), and drop the right defender into it, your defender may stay indefinitely, with regular feeding of golden berries.
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What's the longest a Pokémon has stayed in a gym?

Typically, a Pokemon will remain in a gym anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks, depending on how strong it is and how popular the location is – but one very impressive trainer has managed to last an incredible 1332 days in a gym. Niantic A Pokemon Go trainer held a gym for over three and a half years.
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Which Gym Leader was easiest to battle?

The Cortondo gym is by far one of the easiest for players to complete due to the combination of bug type Pokemon and also being the lowest level of the gyms. Trainers can face this gym with ease from the minimum level of fifteen.
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Which Gym Leader was the easiest?

Led by the Bug-type user Katy, the Cortondo Gym is undoubtedly the easiest to overcome. Katy's Pokémon have the lowest levels for any Gym battle, with two (Nymble and Tarountula) at level 14 and one (Teddiursa) at level 15.
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Why is buying 100 PokéCoins cheaper?

It is cheaper to buy 100 coins at a time in Pokémon Go because the larger bundles offer a discounted rate. For example, the cost of 100 coins is $0.99, while the cost of 10,000 coins is $99.99, which is a 10% discount. Buying coins in larger bundles can help players save money in the long run.
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How to get PokéCoins without paying?

How to get free PokeCoins
  1. Find a gym in your area that's the same color as your team.
  2. If a gym isn't in your team's color, you can battle the Pokemon in it to take over it.
  3. Once a gym is in your team's color, place a Pokemon inside it.
  4. When your Pokemon is defeated your PokeCoins will be delivered automatically.
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What happens if your Pokémon stays in a gym for a week?

The longer the Pokémon stay on the Gym, the more PokéCoins you earn. Be sure to give your Pokémon treats often to keep them on the Gym and maximize the PokéCoins you'll earn (up to the maximum bonus amount for the day).
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