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Why didn t Galadriel tell Elrond?

Galadriel Was Ashamed Sauron Tricked Her
The fact that she had saved his life, become his friend, and potentially even developed a little bit of a crush might have just been too shameful for Galadriel to share immediately. There could have also been a darker reason that Galadriel didn't want to confess the deception.
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Why did Galadriel lie to Elrond?

So, Galadriel vowed to avenge her brother's death, and she wasn't going to waste an opportunity to hunt him, even if it meant lying to Elrond, Celebrimbor and Gil-glad. Lying to the high king should be a bad idea, but Galadriel sought vengeance. With that in mind, withholding the truth worked to her advantage.
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Why does Galadriel not tell the truth?

She already feels an outcast after Gil-galad tried to send her back to the Undying Lands, and she fears that if she reveals what she has done, it will be the final nail in the coffin. Instead, when Elrond pulls her from the river Glanduin, and she races back inside to Celebrimbor's forge, she chooses to stay silent.
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Why did they make Galadriel so unlikeable?

Her character is criticized for many different reasons, from her self-righteousness and abrasive personality, to her inability to detect the very evil she is hunting right under her nose. But one of the newest accusations levied against Galadriel on Reddit is her propensity for anger.
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Did Elrond and Galadriel know each other?

But she does have one warm and healthy relationship: her friendship with Elrond (Robert Aramayo). They share two heartfelt reunions in the series, in the first and the last episode, and express their love and trust in one another even when they're apart for the long, long middle.
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Why Didn't THRANDUIL, GLORFINDEL, ELROND or GALADRIEL Join the Fellowship? | Middle Earth Lore

Did Legolas know Elrond?

Legolas came to the Council of Elrond in Rivendell, the great meeting held by the Elf lord Elrond, as a messenger from his father to discuss the escape of Gollum.
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How much older is Galadriel than Elrond?

Elrond's was born nearly 600 years after Galadriel, but he was born as a half-elf, and so until he made the choice to become an elf, he aged at a faster rate, though still slower than mortals. Tolkien says that his initial 24 "growth years" took 24 sun years, after which each life-years took five sun years.
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Why Galadriel is not affected by ring?

Why Galadirel Had To Say No To The Ring. Galadriel desired her own kingdom to rule but was not willing to submit to the darkness to obtain it. Her decision meant that she would have to commit to a much more humble lifestyle but she accepted it in order to contribute to the greater good of Middle Earth.
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Why is Galadriel more powerful than Sauron?

In The Lord of the Rings, it is said that had Galadriel chosen to use her powers for evil instead of good, she would have been even more destructive and terrifying than Sauron himself. Galadriel was the greatest and most powerful of all Elves in Middle Earth in the Third Age.
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Did Galadriel reject Sauron?

But when it becomes clear to Galadriel that Halbrand/Sauron cannot tell the difference between “saving” and “ruling” Middle-earth, she rejects his proposal.
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Does Elrond know Halbrand is Sauron?

Though Galadriel doesn't share her news, Elrond is suspicious and wanders out to find the genealogy scroll that leads him to figure out that Halbrand is Sauron. Unfortunately, he finds this news too late, arriving back at the workshop just as the elven rings (the rings of power) are being completed.
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Why didn't Galadriel tell Elrond Halbrand was Sauron?

Galadriel Was Ashamed Sauron Tricked Her

The fact that she had saved his life, become his friend, and potentially even developed a little bit of a crush might have just been too shameful for Galadriel to share immediately. There could have also been a darker reason that Galadriel didn't want to confess the deception.
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What promise did Elrond make to Galadriel?

She asks Elrond to keep his promise to trust her, and tells them that they must make three rings, not one, because one will corrupt, and two will divide, but three will keep balance.
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Why didn t Elrond take the Ring to Mordor?

Elrond Didn't Have the Strength to Stop Isildur

He knew that the Ring needed to be destroyed, but actually doing it would have been different. A passage in Unfinished Tales says that Gil-galad, Círdan and Galadriel "failed to find the strength" to destroy their uncorrupted Rings of Power.
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How does Arwen give up her immortality?

Arwen reciprocated Aragorn's love, and on the mound of Cerin Amroth they committed themselves to marrying each other. In making that choice, Arwen gave up the Elvish immortality available to her as a daughter of Elrond, and agreed to remain in Middle-earth instead of travelling to the Undying Lands.
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Why is Elrond called half-elven?

The Half-elves, or Peredhil, were people of Middle-earth whose name primarily applied to Elrond and Elros in the Second and Third Age, but also to Eärendil and his wife Elwing before them. They were called so because of their mixed Edain (Mannish) and Eldarin (Elven) blood.
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Who is the most powerful being in the Tolkien universe?

God is the most powerful entity in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings universe. The Elvish name for him is actually Eru Ilúvatar, meaning “the one, father of all.” So the question becomes: Who is the second-most powerful being? Originally, it was Melkor, “he who arises in might,” the most powerful of the Ainur (or angels).
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Who is stronger Legolas or Galadriel?

Legolas is a remarkable Elf for a Sinda of the Third Age. But according to Unfinished Tales Sindar were lesser in built and strength than the Noldor. While according to the same book Galadriel was the strongest and most well-built woman of the Noldor, a match for the princes of the Noldor.
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Who is more powerful Gandalf the GREY or Galadriel?

She also resisted being offered the ring of power by Frodo following his vision in the mirror of Galadriel, an immense test given the ring's seductive powers. Yet Gandalf's power level exceeds even that of Galadriel, as shown by his rebirth in the Two Towers.
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Who above all else desired power?

And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who, above all else, desire power. But they were, all of them, deceived, for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a Master Ring, to control all others.
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Why can't Galadriel go back?

Galadriel is supposed to be banned from return because she associate with the kin-slaying in Alqualondë or at least continued on from Aman and then was banned from return.
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Why were the 3 Elven rings made?

The three Elven Rings were conceived as a means of keeping magic (formally known in J.R.R. Tolkien's Legendarium as the Light of the Eldar) from fading in Middle-earth.
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Who is the oldest wizard in Lord of the Rings?

Together, the two of them were known as the Blue Wizards. The one in brown was Radagast and the one in grey was Gandalf, seemingly the oldest and the least of the Order.
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How old is Legolas in human years?

That said, the people behind the “official movie guide” for The Lord of the Rings list Legolas as being born in the year 87 of the Third Age of Middle-earth, which makes him some 2,931 years old around the time of the War of the Ring, which happened over 3,000 years into the Third Age of Middle-earth.
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Who is the oldest living elf LOTR?

The oldest elf that we actually encounter in the Lord of the Rings is almost certainly Cirdan. Cirdan was likely one of the original 144 elves to awaken in the East, and is described as being “Of Kin” with Elwe and Olwe, who were two of the first Teleri elves.
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