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Why does Fallout 4 give me motion sickness?

If you're experiencing motion sickness in Fallout 4, go to options and put Turn Sensitivity to 0. I cleared an extra 50 GB off my HDD and performed matinence and I'm getting a smooth 30ish (key word- smooth). It an old Beth trick when using consoles.
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How do you stop motion sickness in Fallout 4?

When games cause motion sickness try moving 2 to 6 feet further back from the screen. If you are running the game bright turn the brightness down some. Also try holstering your weapon unless you need it.
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Why do certain games give me motion sickness?

Liquid in the semicircular canals of your inner ear allows you to sense if you're moving. But the brain can get confused if your inner ear senses that you're sitting still while your eyes see the action on the screen and tell the brain you're moving. That may leave you feeling sick, dizzy, or drowsy.
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How do you fix motion sickness?

How to ease motion sickness yourself
  1. reduce motion – sit in the front of a car or in the middle of a boat.
  2. look straight ahead at a fixed point, such as the horizon.
  3. breathe fresh air if possible – for example, by opening a car window.
  4. close your eyes and breathe slowly while focusing on your breathing.
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Why do I get headaches while playing Fallout 4?

Dial down your refresh rate on your monitor to 60 hz, and do the same for the game. Wait until you don't have a headache or nausea and try playing again. If it doesn't come back, that was the problem, if it does, try fixing the headbobbing thing as someone above mentioned.
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The mystery of motion sickness - Rose Eveleth

Is Fallout addictive?

Many substances in the Fallout games are addictive. Each chem has a chance of addiction. One of the most addictive chems is Jet. For Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, withdrawal effects occur after becoming addicted and going for some amount of time without using that chem.
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Why does everything look blurry in Fallout 4?

This issue can be resolved by turning off the "3D" stereoscopic setting in your GPU's console/control panel. You can find instructions on how to do this based on your GPU below.
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Does chewing gum help with motion sickness?

A simple method for relieving common and mild car sickness is chewing. Chewing gum has an uncanny effectiveness for reducing car sickness in those affected.
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Is motion sickness genetic?

Motion sickness does not have a clear pattern of inheritance, although it does tend to cluster in families. People who have a first-degree relative (for example, a parent or sibling) who is highly susceptible to motion sickness are more likely than the general public to get motion sick themselves.
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Does drinking water get rid of motion sickness?

Here are a few tips to help ease the symptoms of seasickness: Maintain your fluid intake. Seasickness and related medications cause dehydration and headaches. Drink water, low-acidity juices like apple and carrot, or clear soup, and avoid milk and coffee.
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Do motion sickness pills work for video games?

Some medications can help (for example, Dramamine, Bonine, Meclizine, and Benadryl), but they might also make you drowsy. If you don't have luck reducing motion sickness while playing certain games, you may have to withdraw from those games.
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Does Dramamine help with video games?

Or try Dramamine®-N Long Lasting Formula which lasts for up to 24 hours to help prevent and relieve nausea due to VR and video game playing. Adults can take one dose 30 minutes before gaming to help prevent nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
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How long does simulator sickness last?

"The SS usually occurred in the first ten minutes of a training session and frequently lasted for several hours afterward." Two main theories exist about the causes of simulator sickness.
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Can you turn off blood Fallout?

No, there is no built-in gore or profanity filter as of now. On PC, you can try bDisableAllGore=1 in the . ini file to remove gore from the kill animations, but it won't remove the bloody body part decorations used in super mutant hideouts.
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Can you be immune to rads in Fallout 4?

Yes (assuming you have the Far Harbor DLC), but it comes at a cost: The Robes of Atom's Devoted give resistance increasingly as the protagonist becomes more irradiated. This means that as their maximum health decreases, their radiation resistance can go up to 2500 and above.
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What does Killall do in Fallout 4?

killall — Kills everyone in the vicinity, apart from companions and any other characters deemed too vital to die. In that case they will slump down injured until you give them a stimpack. kill [insert ID] — Kills the creature with the ID you supply.
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Am I immune to motion sickness?

Motion sickness can occur during exposure to physical motion, visual motion, and virtual motion, and only those without a functioning vestibular system are fully immune.
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Can you become tolerant to motion sickness?

Visuospatial training exercises can train the brain to reduce motion sickness, providing a potential remedy for future passengers riding in autonomous vehicles.
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Is motion sickness mental or physical?

What You Should Know About Motion Sickness: Motion sickness is a common normal reaction that occurs in 25% of people. Caused by increased sensitivity of the inner ear. It is not related to emotional problems or any physical disease.
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Does motion sickness get worse with age?

There is another peak at age 35, then a second peak at age 52, around the time of menopause. Treatment for see-sick syndrome involves eye exercises and special lenses. For the rest of us, avoiding bumpy seats, a pre-trip heavy meal and reading can ward off the occasional travel queasiness.
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Should I chew gum if I'm nauseous?

Chewing a piece of gum could be more effective than a leading drug for nausea, new research suggests.
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What candy prevents motion sickness?

Things like hard candies, lollipops, or ice cream may take your mind off your stomach. Sucking or licking something gives your brain another activity to focus on and helps you stay hydrated until you can get to your destination. It may also help to use a sleep mask to keep your eyes from getting too much input.
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Is there anything bad in Fallout 4?

in terms of mature content, Fallout 4 is about as violent as they come. The game's combat features strong and bloody violence from the off, with limbs being torn off, heads exploding, and blood, guts and flesh flying everywhere - sometimes in slow motion for added effect.
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Why are Fallout 4 frames so low?

Turn off the Vibration and Controller Settings. Many players reported that the Fallout 4 random FPS drops when they turned on the Vibration for the game as well as the controller. In this case, disabling the Vibration settings may help you fix the problem.
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