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Why is the elf helping the orcs?

The one-time elf was doing it for his orc children whom he loves, many of whom Sauron had sacrificed in his quest to rule Middle-earth. Adar wanted to give The Rings of Power's orcs a new home, one where they would not only be safe from light but safe from Dark Lords who treat them as disposable.
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Who is the elf helping the Orcs in Rings of Power?

In episode 6, we finally find out! The third episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power introduced audiences to the season's Big Bad: Adar (Joseph Mawle), a menacing elven figure who leads the orcs of the Southlands.
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What is the connection between Elves and Orcs?

The orcs appear (especially in The Lord of the Rings) as a brutish, aggressive, ugly, and malevolent race of monsters, contrasting with the benevolent Elves. They are a corrupted race of elves, either bred that way by Morgoth, or turned savage in that manner, according to the Silmarillion.
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Why are the Orcs led by an elf?

Orcs were first created from Elves under torture and dark sorcery. Their creation served as an insult to the Children of Ilúvatar.
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How are Elves turned to Orcs?

The first Dark Lord Melkor took hostage some Elves from Cuiviénen. He tortured them, beat them, and broke their bodies into the first deformed and twisted beings known as Orcs.
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Who Is Adar? The Mysterious Leader Of The Orcs Who Looks A Lot Like An Elf! Theories Explored

What do orcs do to female Elves?

Some people (including me) have discussed whether Orcs might have raped and cross-bred with Elf-women. In fact Tolkien himself wrote at one stage that the Orcs raped Elf-women but he did not retain this explicit language throughout his later writings.
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Why do orcs hate Elves in Lord of the Rings?

They have been enemies since Orcs came into existence. Orcs were created and bred (somehow) to be servants of Melkor, Sauron and much later, Saruman. Elves were one of the species that opposed their evil, so the orcs were naturally aimed at them.
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Are orcs immortal if they were Elves?

No. Orcs do not share the immortality of Elves. In fact, they were short-lived even compared with the Men of the First age.
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Why can't orcs go to light?

Like any sort of subterranean creature, they were less accustomed to light and weren't built for it. Therefore, any contact with light would prove harmful to orcs as they thrived underground in caves and pits and the like.
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Why can't orcs be in sunlight?

Regardless of the theory you ascribe to, Orcs were created in the depths of time by Morgoth, the original Dark Lord of Middle-earth. Because of that, it makes sense that Orcs would despise the Sun -- they were created by evil for evil purposes. Thus, they belonged in the darkness, which is a common literary motif.
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Who is stronger orcs or elves?

In Tolkien's Middle-earth the Elves were generally stronger and faster than the Orcs; the Orcs usually only won through deceit and weight of numbers. So in this respect the “Hobbit” movies (and the “Lord of the Rings” films) are probably being faithful to Tolkien's idea of the comparative strengths of Elves and Orcs.
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Are orcs twisted elves?

In Tolkien's mythology, orcs are traditionally “monstrous”; they represent corrupted, twisted versions of elves and men, made by Morgoth (the original Dark Lord of Tolkien's world).
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Do orcs have elven blood?

Orcs have elven blood, but are usually considered to be both beastfolk and goblin-ken. In the past, Orcs were widely feared and hated by the other nations and races of Tamriel. However, they have slowly won acceptance in the Empire, in particular for their distinguished service in the Emperor's Legions.
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Why do the orcs call you father?

A mysterious individual of the Second Age was referred to as Adar, or "Lord-father", by Orcs, because of his status as one of the first Elves to be captured and tortured by Morgoth.
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Who created the orcs?

In the following and more serious revision of his mythology, Tolkien kept the same origin: in the Quenta Noldorinwa (1930s) it is written that Morgoth created the Orcs in Utumna, before the Awakening of the Elves: "the hordes of Orcs he made of stone, but their hearts of hatred".
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Who is the leader of all the orcs?

Adar is the leader of the orcs, and is played by Game of Thrones actor Joseph Mawle. Interestingly, Adar is not an orc, but seems to be an elf.
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Why do you never see female Orcs?

Yes, female orcs do exist in Middle-earth. In a letter to one, Mrs Munby, JRR Tolkien wrote that female orcs do exist but that we've not seen them because they don't fight in Sauron's armies.
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Do dead Elves become Orcs?

In The Book of Lost Tales, it is said that Orcs were "bred from the heats and slimes of the earth" through the sorcery of Morgoth. Again, Tolkien later changed this, as Morgoth could not create life on his own. This led to the most popular theory that Orcs were created from corrupted Elves.
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What are the Orcs digging for?

Adar argues that the Orcs have the same rights as every other living creature in Middle-earth. He's been using them to dig underground tunnels within the Southlands to create Mordor itself, thus giving his "children" a home.
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How old can orcs become?

For orcs, the age at which they're officially "adult" comes a little later than humans. Orcs reach maturity at about age 18-20. Middle age is around age 40 or so, old age at 65, venerable age at 80, and they rarely live beyond 100 years of age.
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Do orcs ever surrender?

In all the books, you never hear of an Orc surrendering. They fight to kill and win, and if things aren't going their way they don't make a heroic 300-type last stand. They run.
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Do high elves hate orcs?

They hate the Orcs the most, since they represent the corruption of the Elven ideal (read up on origin of the Orcs and Trinimac).
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Why are Orcs so weak in lotr?

Sauron's overreliance on them made the Orcs pretty useless at everything. Their lack of skill and decent armor and weaponry meant they could never seriously challenge the likes of Aragon, Legolas, Gimli, or Thorin Oakenshield. They were only ever threatening in large numbers, and even then, they were easily dispatched.
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What are Orcs afraid of?

They fear the sun. They aren't especially keen on each other. Or trolls, Balrogs, spiders. There are A LOT of unanswered questions concerning the nature and creation of orcs.
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What races do Orcs hate?

However, they don't get along with hobgoblins, whose militant approach is directly counter to their isolationist one. Orcs are, understandably, distrusting of races such as dwarves, humans, halflings, and, most of all, elves.
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