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What is the 16 step rule in chess?

In chess, there is no such thing as a 16-move rule. There is also no rule related to one player having only a king.
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What is 15 move rule in chess?

There is no 15 move rule in standard chess.
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What is the 12 move rule in chess?

12E Moving into Check

A player may not move the king, including castling (8A4), to a square attacked by one or more opponent's pieces. No move may be made by any piece which puts the player's own king in check. If a player does so, it is an illegal move. See also 11, Illegal Positions.
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What is the 75 move rule in chess?

Seventy-five-move rule

9.6. 2 any series of at least 75 moves have been made by each player without the movement of any pawn and without any capture. If the last move resulted in checkmate, that shall take precedence.
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What is the 14 move rule?

A player who makes a draw claim under 14C cannot withdraw it; however, it is still considered a draw offer (14). If a player moves, then claims a draw and presses the clock (5H), or claims a draw, then moves and presses the clock, the move stands, and this is considered an offer of a draw (14).
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The shortest game of Magnus Carlsen's chess career!

What is the 50 50 move rule?

The 50-move draw rule, which today states that a draw can be claimed if no capture is made and no pawn is moved for 50 consecutive moves, took centuries to reach its modern definition.
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What is #3 the new 75 move rule?

#3: The new 75-move rule

Rule 9.6. 2 states: “any series of at least 75 moves have been made by each player without the movement of any pawn and without any capture. If the last move resulted in checkmate, that shall take precedence.”
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What is the 3 times rule in chess?

This rule is in place to prevent games from going on forever with the same moves being made over and over! The threefold-repetition rule says that if a position arises three times in a game, either player can claim a draw during that position. On, this draw happens automatically on the third repetition.
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Is there a 3 check rule in chess?

3-Check is a simple variant with one clear task in mind: Check the king as many times as you can! Normal rules apply, but you can also win (or lose!) a game by checking (or getting checked) 3 times in total. Games can still end in the traditional ways of checkmate, stalemate and time-out.
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What is the 20 40 rule in chess?

The 20-40-40 rule in chess is a rule for players rated below 2000 that states 20% of your study should be dedicated to openings, 40% to the middlegame, and 40% to the endgame.
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What is the 20 move rule in chess?

No pieces can be captured and no pawns can be moved. Every 20 moves, you can remove one of your opponents pawns.
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What is the 20 rule in chess?

According to this rule, only 20% of examining time should be spent on the opening, 40% of time should be spent on the middlegame, and the other 40% of the time should be spent focusing on the endgame. The rule of 20/40/40 applies to players under a 2000 rating.
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What are 3 illegal moves in chess?

List of Illegal Moves
  • Advancing a knight five squares forward on the chessboard.
  • Moving a piece into check.
  • Jumping chess pieces with a bishop.
  • Moving a pawn to its furthest distant rank and then pressing the clock without replacing the pawn with a new piece.
  • Failure to retract an illegal move.
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Is there a 30 move rule in chess?

Chess has no rule that sets a specific limit on how many moves your opponent has to checkmate you after you are down to just a king. But it does have a rule that limits the number of moves allowed during the endgame. This is called the 50 moves rule.
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What is the 25 move rule in chess?

There is no 25 move rule anywhere in chess. The original post said that 25 moves were already made after the last piece was taken. So 25+25=50. I understood stalemate to be that you could not make any legal moves.
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What is the 10 second rule in chess?

You get 10 seconds per ply (each players move). After you've made your move, your clock resets to 10 seconds. There is no time limit. This is to try to combat people trying to beat people accumulatively on the clock, when their position is dead lost.
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Which color is better in chess?

In chess, there is a general consensus among players and theorists that the player who makes the first move (White) has an inherent advantage. Since 1851, compiled statistics support this view; White consistently wins slightly more often than Black, usually scoring between 52 and 56 percent.
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Is it illegal to not say check in chess?

You don't have to say check. If you don't see the check your king can be captured, and you lose the game. If you move into check your king can be captured, and you lose the game. The player who is behind in points will be declared the winner if the game ends in stalemate.
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Can a king take a piece in check?

If the checking piece is adjacent to the king, the king can capture the piece if the king does not move into a new check (i.e. if the piece is not protected by another enemy piece). Likewise, a piece that is pinned to the king cannot capture the checking piece since such a move would uncover a check to the king.
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What is the rarest chess rule?

Underpromoting to a bishop must be the rarest move in chess. We can easily think of some famous examples of rook promotions (such as the brilliant Saavedra study), and by comparison knight underpromotions happen every day - just think of this opening trap in the Albin Countergambit.
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What is the golden rule of chess?

GOLDEN RULE: A piece is safe only as long as it defended by the same number of pieces that are attacking it. If your opponent attacks one of your pieces, count the number of your pieces that defend it immediately to make sure that it is safe.
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What not to do in chess?

For new players who need some guidance, here are a few common beginner mistakes to avoid.
  1. 1 Becoming Frustrated At Slow Progress.
  2. 2 Playing Too Many Pawn Moves. ...
  3. 3 Focusing Too Much On Opening Study. ...
  4. 4 Neglecting Endgame Study. ...
  5. 5 Playing "Hope Chess" ...
  6. 6 Only Thinking About Attacks. ...
  7. 7 Moving The Queen Out Too Early. ...
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Is there a 16 move rule?

In chess, there is no 16 move rule to draw the game. By rule of chess, there is 50 move draw, where the player can announce a draw if no capture and no pawn movement happens on the last 50 moves. If 75 moves are made without any capture or pawn move, the arbiter can announce the game as a draw.
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Is touch move a rule in chess?

The touch-move rule in chess specifies that a player, having the move, who deliberately touches a piece on the board must move or capture that piece if it is legal to do so. If it is the player's piece that was touched, it must be moved if the piece has a legal move.
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What is 75 move rule and fivefold repetition?

The TD may declare the game drawn if the same position occurs on the board after five consecutive pairs of moves for each player (“five-fold repetition”) or if both players have completed 75 moves without a capture or a pawn move.
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