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How many times can a king move before stalemate?

How many moves can a king make before a stalemate? None. Stalemate is the condition of having no legal moves AT ALL while not in check. This question treats STALEMATE as synonymous with DRAW.
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How many moves does a king have before stalemate?

Also known as a Draw. 3 ways to stalemate: insufficient material (not enough firepower), no legal moves, and three-fold repetition. Well, there's one more – 50 king moves with no other legal moves – but this almost never occurs outside of scholastic tournaments. If you're winning, nothing is fun about stalemate.
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Is there a 16 move rule in chess?

There is no 16 move rule. There is also no rule related to one player having only a king. There is a 50 move rule, but it's reset every time there is a capture or a pawn move by either player.
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Is there a 13 move stalemate in chess?

There is no such rule. If there were, delivering mate with king, bishop and knight against king would not be possible in most cases, since it usually takes more than 13 moves. Who are the masters that told you such a rule exists? You have to claim the draw by pressing the draw button.
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Is there a stalemate after 25 moves?

So 25+25=50. I understood stalemate to be that you could not make any legal moves. Usually it means that you only have pawns and a king left. The pawns are stalled because an opposing piece is in front of them.
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What is the shortest possible stalemate?

The shortest genuine stalemate in a serious game was played in Ravenna 1982, when the Italian master Mario Sibilio forced a stalemate on move 27 against grandmaster Sergio Mariotti.
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Is there a 30 move rule in chess?

Chess has no rule that sets a specific limit on how many moves your opponent has to checkmate you after you are down to just a king. But it does have a rule that limits the number of moves allowed during the endgame. This is called the 50 moves rule.
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What is the new 75 move rule chess?

Seventy-five-move rule

If seventy-five moves are made without a pawn move or capture being made, the game is drawn unless the seventy-fifth move delivers a checkmate. No claim needs to be made by either player, as the draw is mandatorily applied by the arbiter.
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Is there a 21 rule in chess?

There is no 21 move rule.
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Why isn't a stalemate a win?

Just like with Checkmate, in a Stalemate the King cannot move—he has no Safe Squares. In fact, a Stalemate happens when there are no legal moves, just like Checkmate. The only difference is that since the King isn't threatened, the attacker can't claim a win and the game is declared a Draw!
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What are 3 illegal moves in chess?

List of Illegal Moves
  • Advancing a knight five squares forward on the chessboard.
  • Moving a piece into check.
  • Jumping chess pieces with a bishop.
  • Moving a pawn to its furthest distant rank and then pressing the clock without replacing the pawn with a new piece.
  • Failure to retract an illegal move.
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What are 2 illegal moves in chess?

Here are some examples of illegal moves:

– Moving the King on a square that is attacked by opponent's pieces. – Not protecting the King that was attacked by opponent's piece. For example, leaving the King in check. – Moving a piece in a way that the piece is not allowed to move.
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Is 15 too old for chess?

You're never too young, or old for chess! Keep trying and you will get better at it. Don't let age stop you from playing the best board game of all time.
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What is the 14 move rule in chess?

A player who makes a draw claim under 14C cannot withdraw it; however, it is still considered a draw offer (14). If a player moves, then claims a draw and presses the clock (5H), or claims a draw, then moves and presses the clock, the move stands, and this is considered an offer of a draw (14).
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Can a king move 2 times in chess?

The king can move only one square horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Once in the game, each king is allowed to make a special double move, to castle. Castling consists of moving the king two squares towards a rook, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed.
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What is the 12 move rule in chess?

12E Moving into Check

A player may not move the king, including castling (8A4), to a square attacked by one or more opponent's pieces. No move may be made by any piece which puts the player's own king in check. If a player does so, it is an illegal move. See also 11, Illegal Positions.
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What is the rarest chess rule?

Underpromoting to a bishop must be the rarest move in chess. We can easily think of some famous examples of rook promotions (such as the brilliant Saavedra study), and by comparison knight underpromotions happen every day - just think of this opening trap in the Albin Countergambit.
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What is illegal 1 in chess?

It is illegal to make a move that places or leaves one's king in check. The possible ways to get out of check are: Move the king to a square where it is not in check. Capture the checking piece (possibly with the king). Block the check by placing a piece between the king and the opponent's threatening piece.
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How bad is 300 chess rating?

Chess is an extremely difficult game to get "good" at. It takes a long time and a lot of study. I will say straight up 300, 400, 500 etc are all pretty much the very beginning of being a beginner.
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What is the 5 rule of chess?

Rule 5: Fifty-move Rule

The 50-move rule is a unique occurrence in both online and board games. The rule comes to play when both conditions are met: If there hasn't been any capture in the last 50 moves. And a pawn (or any piece) has not been moved within that duration.
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What is the 3 times rule in chess?

This rule is in place to prevent games from going on forever with the same moves being made over and over! The threefold-repetition rule says that if a position arises three times in a game, either player can claim a draw during that position. On, this draw happens automatically on the third repetition.
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What is the 20 rule in chess?

According to this rule, only 20% of examining time should be spent on the opening, 40% of time should be spent on the middlegame, and the other 40% of the time should be spent focusing on the endgame. The rule of 20/40/40 applies to players under a 2000 rating.
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What are the 4 rules of castling in chess?

Castling is permitted provided all of the following conditions are met:
  • Neither the king nor the rook has previously moved.
  • There are no pieces between the king and the rook.
  • The king is not currently in check.
  • The king does not pass through or finish on a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.
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What is the 20 40 40 rule in chess?

The 20-40-40 rule in chess is a rule for players rated below 2000 that states 20% of your study should be dedicated to openings, 40% to the middlegame, and 40% to the endgame.
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What is the 80 20 rule in chess?

The Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. In chess improvement, this means that a significant improvement can be achieved by focusing on the most important areas.
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