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If you’re going to make it in the ‘Verse, you’ll need to understand every facet of what lies before you. Progressing as an active member of deep space is based on several factors, but one core element is the trade of commodities. Solidifying yourself as a trusted resource for the galaxy’s most precious commodities will boost your status quite rapidly – but what does that mean? What, exactly, constitutes a “commodity” in Star Citizen, and how do you go about finding them?

Since we don’t want to leave you floating aimlessly in space, unsure of where to turn for these valuable items, we’ve put together this essential guide on commodities. Below, we’ll cover the basics of what constitutes a commodity, how to find, store, and trade them.

What is a Commodity?

In Star Citizen, a commodity is any tradeable good that doesn’t have a practical function, such as armor, a weapon, or equipment. Commodities are typically resources that can be mined or scavenged throughout the ‘Verse.

Where Do I Find Them?

A keen traveler will always know where to find the best commodities to sell. When you’re out scouring the ‘Verse, you’ll want to check planet and asteroid surfaces for resources you can mine. An eagle-eyed traveler will be able to find high-value resources that can fetch a hefty reward.

Commodities can also be purchased from outposts and farms, though you’ll need to understand exchange rates to ensure you’re still making a worthwhile return.

Storing Commodities

Unfortunately, the number of commodities you can store is dependent on your storage capacity. Aboard your vessel, you may have a Standard Cargo Unit (SCU), where the bulk of your commodities will be held. When choosing a ship, if you’re looking to make money trading, be sure to pilot one with saddlebags or an SCU. As you mind resources, your vessel will extract them into your hold.

As you progress your character in Star Citizen, you’ll find you can alter their Storage Points. The default attire does not offer any storage, but Personal Commodity Inventory (PCI) can be added through armor. By increasing your Storage Points, you’ll be able to carry more. To add commodities to your inventory, hold F, and choose “Stow” from the available options.

How Do I Trade Them?

Hauling commodities means nothing if you can’t sell them for profit. Trading & Shipping consoles are the most common and easily accessible method. You’ll find them in the Administration sections of major landing zones, functional space stations, outposts, and stopovers locations. Commodity prices are based on demand and will vary with each location. The best traders will know exactly where to trade each item for the highest return.

During your travels, you may come across unrefined commodities. Though you can’t sell these outright to terminals, refineries will buy these items for processing.

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